One on One

One on One Meetings

One of the things I like to do for World Federalism is to find time to call a friend of long standing, and arrange a special meeting. Usually the meeting is a lunch--after all, everybody has to eat, and usually that includes a lunch--and it's friendly that way. But it can also be an afternoon tea. The friend is usually someone I know pretty well and have known for some time, even though we may not meet that frequently. I say when I invite them to the meeting that I want to tell them what I'm doing for World Federalist Movement - Canada, and how I think it's a good NGO to know about and join. But I emphasize that although I'll be making a pitch, I won't ask them for a decision, though they'll be perfectly welcome to give one if that's their response.

At the lunch or tea, we chat for a bit, and when the time seems right I pull out a large folder which has some Mondial copies, the Vancouver newsletter, some recent info pieces from the WFM-C about what's happening, and there is also a one page statement I've prepared. I then go through the material in the one page statement. Usually it starts with how terrible things are in the world, and then it goes on to how we can't predict the outcome, but it's up to each of us to do a little bit in the right direction. I then go on to say how the WFM worldwide, and the WFM-C has been doing good things, and getting positive results. I go into the role of WFM-C in pushing toward the Rome Treaty 1998, and how important its work has been in following through on setting up the ICC and getting countries to ratify the treaty and so on. I talk about current projects of WFM-C, and then talk about the donation route through WFF and the membership route through WFM-C, and make a request that seems to me to be right given what I know about my friend. And I leave it with them, and of course there is also the sign-on sheet, and if they want to sign on, we sign on. If they want to think about it, and get back to me, then that's what happens.

We continue chatting about whatever, and our meeting is a great success no matter what has happened. I've exchanged my thoughts with my friend, and an education process has been going on for both of us. I've learnt what questions and problems my friend may have, and in any case, the chances of the person agreeing is not negligible. I like these exchanges.

Leonard Angel

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