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Some Famous Canadian World Federalists of the Last 50 Years

Warren Allmand, Solicitor General of Canada

Allan Blakeney, Premier of Saskatchewan

John Bosley, Speaker of the House of Commons

Iona Campagnolo, Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia

Brock Chisholm, Director General of the World Health Organization

William Dennison, Mayor of Toronto

Marion Dewar, Mayor of Ottawa

John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada

Tommy Douglas, Premier of Saskatchewan

Herbert Hannam, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture

Harold A. Innis, Head of the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto

Leonard Johnson, Major General

David MacDonald, Minister of Communications

Flora MacDonald, Secretary of State for External Affairs

N.A.M. MacKenzie, President of the University of British Columbia

Elizabeth Mann Borgese, Professor of Political Science, Dalhousie University and Chair of the International Ocean Institute

Mark MacGuigan, Minister of Justice

Walter McLean, Minister of State for Immigration

Ted McWhinney, MP and President of the Institut de Droit International

Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations

Roland Michener, Governor General of Canada

Charles H. Millard, Canadian Director of the United Steelworker’s Union

Howard Pawley, Premier of Manitoba

Geoffrey Pearson, President of the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security

Jean-Luc Pepin, Minister for External Relations

Elmore Philpott, MP and Vancouver columnist

John Polanyi, Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner

W. Gunther Plaut, Rabbi of Holy Blossom Synagogue, Toronto

Douglas Roche, Canada’s Ambassador for Disarmament

Edward W. Scott, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada

Lois M. Wilson, Senator and Moderator of the United Church of Canada

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