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E-mail Options


  • Notice of Meetings of the Vancouver Branch - One e-mail per month.
    To subscribe: e-mail [email protected]

    Note: For those without e-mail, telephone notice is available. Contact Larry Kazdan at 604 874-9982.

  • Occasional News - One or two e-mails per month on global issue topics and action alerts. Culled from WFC, WFM listserves below and other sources.
    To subscribe: e-mail [email protected]

  • World Federalist Movement News - Announcements from WFM headquarters in New York. Occasional e-mails approximately once per month.
    To subscribe, go to http://topica.com/lists/wfm-news/

  • World Beyond Borders Newsletter - This is the official newsletter of World Beyond Borders (www.worldbeyondborders.org).
    It reports site news and world events that affect our quest for a united Earth. To
    subscribe, send a blank email to mailto:[email protected]

  • World Federalists of Canada List - Cross-Canada discussion and articles on global issues. Usually several e-mails per week.
    To subscribe, go to http://topica.com/lists/wfcList/

  • World Federalist Movement Discussion List - Vigorous debate and articles of interest from around the world (but mainly Canada and U.S.) This listserve can get very active. To subscribe, go to http://topica.com/lists/wfm-talk/

  • Vancouver Branch Planning - You are invited to join us in planning Vancouver branch meetings, events and social activities.
    To subscribe: e-mail [email protected]

  • westcoastwriters.com - http://www.westcoastwriters.com Click on 'Discussion Forum'
    Click on 'World Federalists'
    Click on the article that interests you.
    Access is available to anyone. To respond please click on "login required" and register.

  • Worldgov.info - Doron Dekel has created a new web site containing a discussion forum dedicated to world governance - worldgov.info (reached at http://worldgov.info or www.worldgov.info) - which he would like to promote as the primary "watering hole" for anyone interested in pushing forward (or opposing) the idea of strengthening the world governance system towards a democratic world government.
    Please visit and feel free to register as a new user ("register" button) and start posting.

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© 2002-2004 World Federalist Movement - Vancouver Branch • Larry Kazdan
We're hosted by the Vancouver Community Net