Your membership and support of WFM-C is much appreciated.

If you would like to participate directly in the organization and its work,

please indicate below and we will contact you with more information.


1. Education


            - Would you like a list of WF books and publications?                                    __


- Would you like to receive occasional e-mail news on world federalism and

   global issues?                                                                                                      __           

- Would you like to help in research projects such as monitoring the media?                                                                                                                                        __


2. Board and Committees


            - Would you like to be involved in branch activities?                                        __


            - If there is no branch nearby, would you consider helping start one?              __



3. Writing


            - Would you like to write articles such as book reviews for branch

               newsletters and websites, or work on special writing projects?          __      


            -  Would you like to take part in web-based discussion forums?                      __



4. Promotion


            - Would you like a kit to talk to others about becoming WF members?            __


            - Would you consider ‘tabling’ at local meetings or events?                              __


            - Would you be willing to telephone and welcome new members or

               inform them about coming events?                                                                   __                                           








5. Political Action


            - Would you like to join in letter-writing campaigns and local lobbying of

               politicians?                                                                                                          __


            - Would you join a network of people who write letters to local newspapers?                                                                                                                                       __           


6. Special Skills or Interests?


            - Do you have special skills you would like to contribute or special interests

               you would like to pursue? (e.g. computer, translation, financial, legal etc.)     

               Please talk to us or write a note.





Your name:______________________________________________________


Your address:____________________________________________________






Your phone:   ____________________________________________________


Your e-mail:   ____________________________________________________


Your fax:         ____________________________________________________




Please return to:  Communications Secretariat,

                               World Federalist Movement – Canada

                               207 – 145 Spruce Street,

                               Ottawa, Ontario.   K1R 6P1


                               Phone: (613) 232-0647               Fax: (613) 563-0017              


                               E-mail:   [email protected]