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Letters to Letter-writers

Dear __________

I recently read an excellent letter that you wrote to the editor, and I wanted to mention a topic that you maybe hadn't thought about, but that many of us believe is the answer to the issues you raised.

As you know, the world has become a smaller, more interdependent, and much more dangerous place. Terrorists, global warming, overpopulation, world hunger, and contagious diseases threaten us all, as well as a lack of a global code of conduct for businesses.

If you think about it, peace, justice and sustainable ecology and prosperity, where they exist, are not accidents -- They are the result of informed citizens and democratic institutions. A perfect model is our own United States federal government. The original 13 states used to have their own armies, wars, taxation system, etc. and were dangerous and miserable until they decided to keep their individuality but give up just enough power to a higher level of government to handle their collective needs. We have local, state, and federal layers of government; now we just need to add one more to save our planet and deal with these interconnected problems: A thin layer of global governance to deal with the global problems.

World Federalists believe the answer to this chaotic world is well known. Dozens of political leaders, religious leaders, historians and visionaries have come up with the same solution to our worst global problems. Consider a few:

Mankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government. With all my heart I believe that the world's present system of sovereign nations can only lead to barbarism, war, and inhumanity. - Albert Einstein, Scientist

It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in the republic of the United States. - President Harry S. Truman

Science has made unrestricted national sovereignty incompatible with human survival. The only possibilities are now world government or death. - Bertrand Russell, Philosopher

Is our world heading this way? Global problems need global solutions. Right now, WFA provides these solutions by advocating for:

1) A permanent, voluntary U.N. police force of about 10,000 to respond quickly to ruptures of the peace, and to protect the world's most sick, war-torn and hungry people; at present, peacekeepers are slowly accumulated after the crisis has started. It's like building a firehouse AFTER the fire has already started raging.

2) Strengthening preventive diplomacy to prevent crises from occurring in the first place. Early intelligence gathering and mediation or arbitration between nations does much to thwart potential conflicts.

3) A permanent International Criminal Court designed to protect human rights by ensuring that war criminals and national dictators are brought to justice.

4) A more democratic, representative, and well-funded United Nations that is accountable to the citizens of all the world's nations and empowered to deal effectively with the challenges and opportunities of globalization, both economically and environmentally.

Of the four plans above, one is already a victory(!) that the world won this last July. The World Federalists were instrumental in leading the campaign for the International Criminal Court (the ICC). In fact, our President Bill Pace was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for this accomplishment.

The importance of the ICC cannot be overstated. It will bring to justice individuals responsible for genocide, war crimes and other crimes against humanity, though the Bush Administration has yet to cooperate.

Together, the above four institutions would provide a structure of law and order that addresses the fundamental causes of global anarchy. With them, we can intelligently create the peaceful, more human world that people have always dreamed about.

Winston Churchill said, 'Unless some effective, supranational government can be set up and brought quickly into action, the prospects of peace and human progress are dark and doubtful.' There IS hope, but we'll have to work for these systems before it's too late.

It's an upward battle, but a very fulfilling one that incorporates the answers to all of the problems the other humanitarian organizations are fighting for. We believe one of the greatest things you can do with your life is to become a founding mother or father of the new world system that insures permanent peace and plenty on a sustainable planet. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

Once again, I'm writing this letter to you because, through your letter to the editor, you have already shown yourself to be one of the rare people who think hard about the world's problems and is striving for solutions. If our solutions strike a chord with you, as they did me, I hope that you will join us. I ask that you call the World Federalist Association at 1-800-WFA-0123 to see how you can become one of the founders of this vision. Or call Debbie Metke at 414-764-1752. Or write the World Federalist Association, 418 7th St., NE , Washington, DC 20003. www.wfa.org


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