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Report from Montreal IAG

I have the original "World Federalists of Canada Issues Action Group Convenor's Guide" from December 1992. It is 12 pages long and contains a lot of useful guidelines, some of which we follow and some of which we do not.

Our emphasis has been strictly on the "letter writing" aspect. We take very little time for discussion. We just exchange a few pleasantries, introductions, etc., contribute our $2 per meeting, make a few announcements, and go over the highlights of the background paper for the evening. We try to have a "Recommended action" with address at the end of each briefing paper.

We emphasize hand-written letters written on site. Some people insist on taking them home, revising, or sending their letters by e-mail. I think that our success in keeping a committed crew of about 14-16 people coming is that our meetings are very brief (1 to 1 1/2 hours maximum). People leave when they have finished the letter, and with a sense of accomplishment, as well as feeling better informed about an issue.

We don't take time for refreshments, though, since we meet at 6 pm so that people can come straight from work, and us elder folk can get home before too late. Someone usually brings a little fruit or nuts or cheese, completely unplanned.

Through this activity, we have attracted some new members to the branch.

- Carol Greene

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