Honourable Stephen Harper                               Honourable Peter Mackay

Prime Minister of Canada                                   Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons                                             House of Commons
Parliament Buildings                                          Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6                                    Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Phone:  613-941-6900  Email: pm@pm.gc.ca       Phone: (613) 995-1851     Email: MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca

Re: Canada's Responsibility to Protect in Sudan

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper - and - Foreign Minister Peter Mackay,

Canada must do much more to end the ethnic cleansing in Sudan and safeguard
the security of Sudanese civilians at risk. The Sudanese government is
demonstrably unwilling to put an end to these crimes. The case for
humanitarian intervention in Sudan is unavoidable.

The following measures should be supported by Canada:

* Support the deployment of a robust force, preferably under the mandate of the UN Security Council,
 with responsibility and powers to protect civilians, replacing the current ineffective African Union force
    *  Support the enforcement of the no-fly zone declared by the UN to prevent Sudan from using helicopters and
bombers to attack civilians.

    *  Support stricter enforcement of targeted sanctions against Sudanese political leaders.

* Exert international pressure on the Government of Sudan urging compliance with investigations
by the International Criminal Court Prosecutor.

The government of Canada supports measures such as the creation of the International
Criminal Court, the Responsibility to Protect report, a "human security" framework
for policy engagement and the NEPAD (New Economic Partnership for African Development,
which encourages the further development of the AU). A stronger commitment to end the
atrocities in Sudan would be fully consistent with Canada¹s existing foreign

Signed:____________________________ Date:________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________ Prov. :_______________________________

Postal Code:________________________________