World Federalists of Canada

(Branch address and contact info)

Dear __________

This letter is a thank you for your support of the World Federalist Movement - Canada.

As you know, though we are a small organization, our movement has made an enormous contribution to the furtherance of international law and better global governance.

Our volunteer Council, assisted by two paid staff at our National Office, are currently involved in these programmes: ensuring the effective start-up of the International Criminal Court, mobilizing support for a Parliamentary Assembly to democratize the World Trade Organization, and lobbying for strengthened U.N. peace operations.

(Paragraph on branch activities – e.g. sponsoring public educational meetings where academics, politicians or activists speak out on global issues.  Website address if available, or refer to branch events section of National Website)

We hope to see you at future meetings and whatever degree of participation you choose, we hope you will agree that the World Federalist Movement - Canada is worthy of your support, so that the important work outlined above can continue.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can answer any questions that you might have or to add your name to the meeting notification list.


(Branch Contact)