Aliens and The New World Order

You and I both know that aliens exist. It would be insane to say that in this vast spance of space around our solar system that we are the only ones. Anyone who tells you this is lying to you. Oh wait - the government will not be straight to you about it - why do you think? My theory is that they have knowledge of aliens and that possibly found artifacts on the moon. Also reverse engineered alien ships that were crashed. Then reverse engineered the technology and do not want to share it with the rest of humanity. Instead are interested in keeping it to themselves.

The realization of alien existance came easy for me as since I was about 4 years old I had been abducted on a regular basis until I was 38. Two races had introduced themselves to me - the ones I call Blues and the one commonly called Greys. The Blues took me to the moon and told me in so many words that their world is affected by the nuclear radiation and that if the powers that be on Earth do a nuclear war they will intervene and take over the planet. The Greys took genetic material from me claiming that they had a problem with their race's genetics and produced hybrids from my DNA. They also told me about their engine - a free energy type device that I have been struggling for decades to understand and produce.

Living with these experiences immediately made me an outcast to the rest of civilization because I could never fit in. I am not sure why the aliens chose me, maybe because of my psychic abilities, but that and the knowledge made others uncomfortable with my presence. So I became alone in the search for truth.

What I really wanted to know was one, why the government lies about aliens and two, and if the government had anything to do with the abductions that I had to endure for the first part without my conscent and then after I had built up a tolerance to the anesthesia and they could give me no more I was fully awake and we developed a dialogue. What struck me as most interesting is they had no concept of ethics and it was difficult for them to understand that it was not right to just take DNA without asking. Later I agreed to allow DNA extraction to help their race. I was shown my hybrid daughter.

Science and technology is my chosen field. Initially to understand the "engine" but this included software as well as hardware expertice. I searched around the budding internet for information on military and government involvement with aliens. Gary McKinnon, the hacker, hacked into military databases and found information of "off earth military bases" and other details. At that time he was not the only person breaching the military systems as there were multiple people in there. SETI has proven alien existance with a crop circle that appeared in front of the Aerocebo Telescope and the information has not been properly documented. Check the video of the physicist Nassim Haramein below.

UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon Tells What He Found @ NASA

[LINK] Crop Circles according to Physicist Nassim Haramein.

So my theory is this - the New World Order has knowledge of aliens and are not releasing the information - as well - the New World Order has reverse engineered alien technology and are not sharing it with the public. Just as they are actively not sharing medical life extension technology except with the few and other technology. I believe black military projects have reengineered alien craft and alien free energy that is being suppressed as national security.

Instead they have chosen to use the technology against us and kill over 90 percent of citizens of Earth so that they can have it all for themselves. Some say they plan a fake alien invasion to push their private agenda. William Cooper discusses the plans for a false flag alien invasion in order to accommodate plans for a one-world government in the video below.

William Cooper Explains the NWO Alien Agenda

Project Blue Beam: Government Plans Fake Alien Invasion