Anonymous and The New World Order

The New World Order is a huge issue with the hackers of the world - alot of whom have seen for their own eyes the level of corruption on the planet as viewed from the back-end of servers everywhere.

Here is the documents that were discovered on the Internet writen by the Anonymous hackers group about the New World Order.








# Anonymous Message: #Anonymous_2013 #

# Hello Citizens of the world; we are Anonymous. #

Dear brothers and sisters, 2012 has been a great year of revelations. #

We have exposed many lies and successfully raised awareness of citizens of earth on a global scale. We have revealed to citizens the level of corruption on our beautiful planet. We have shown the population the private agenda of profit. We have learned about true evil as governments, corporations, bankers, law enforcement operate without ethics. We identified the outright disregard for civil liberties, human rights and constitutional freedoms being blatantly imposed by the 1%. We have identified propaganda and lies in the media.

# HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! 2013 will be another epic year !!! Erika!!! #

!!! Anonymous 2013 - TAKE BACK THE PLANET ACTION PLAN - STAGE II - Anonymous 2013 !!! #


# ::Anonymous Central Command Assessment::

First adversary mistake was defining civilization on terms of profit...

...profit is now a strategic weak point that can be exploited... Second adversary mistake is attempts to censor and surveil our internets...

...encryption and cryptography can now be used to free the planet... Third adversary mistake was government excluding the 99% over the 1%...

...the elite are out-numbered and consumers have all the power... Fourth adversary mistake was the complete lack of ethics...

...the lack of ethics in a corp or gov will now determine it's future... Fifth adversary mistake was your unwarranted violence at occupy... everyone knows your intention to discard law and create a police state... Sixth adversary mistake was the lies the media told about occupy... we know the media is a tool of propaganda, miss-information and psyops... Seventh adversary mistake was the exclusion of the masses...

...the genius, creativity and passion of the 99% well exceeds the 1%... Eighth adversary mistake was not expecting us...

...expect us...

::Anonymous Central Command Assessment:: #

# We knew profit would want to take the internets... We knew this day was coming since the first transmission at DARPA... We knew... and we were ready... We are encryption. We are TYLER. We are the Voice of the Global People. We are the International Alliance of Freedom Fighting Hackers.

# We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. #

# Listen while reading-> World War 3.0: Chaos, Control & The Battle For The Net #

# The last decade on Earth's internets have taught us well. Since the text only based internet of BBS's and the original ARPANET cypherpunks watched it grow. The budding network mirrored the brain of the civilization. It allowed us to discover who we really were as a race of beings - both good and bad - by observing our reflection. We trolled all of the government, military and education domains extensively. Lay-ed witness to the lies and secrecy within as Gary McKinnon depicts. Free energy technology deliberately denied to the common man and lies about extra-terrestrial visitations. #

# “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi #

# The internet revealed to us the massive level of corruption within our ranks in the form of private deals between government and corporations, pay-offs, bail-outs, tax credits, subsidies non-profits and numerous other perks the few 1% select access and how impartial the 99% are deemed. That our own governments sold us out through privatization of state owned resources and now the great betrayal is planned to privatize services and enslave the masses employing themselves as a global occupying militia enforcing the new world order. #

# I am the fellow citizen of every being that thinks; my country is Truth. ~Alphonse de Lamartine, "Marseillaise of Peace," 1841 #

# We had to shine the light on the truth, reveal the lies and corruption to the people, it was a very daunting task to procure. Then Wikileaks and Julian Assange - Hero of the Information Age - exposed just how deep the system is corrupt by creating this magnificent whistle blower venue. Showed us that our governments have betrayed our trust in support of the greed of the few. Informed us that the media is an instrument of their lies. That openness and transparency is not only a constitutional right but that the lack of access to critical information is the demise of a truly democratic and just society and a crime against humanity. #

# « The proles, if only they could somehow become Conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They needed only to RISE UP and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to DO IT? »

« Until they become Conscious they will neVer rebel,

and until after they have rebelled they cannot become Conscious. »

1984. George Orwell. #

# Atlas what we witnessed was the elevation of greed and profit interests spawned by the UN, bankers, wall-street, government and corporations - an exclusionary secular society emerged based on these very lies. It is clear that the governments have established not a representative democracy but an out-and-out plutocracy with all the power held by one faction. The fate of the planet is now in our hands - citizens. For offered into our hands a choice: high-tech emancipation or high-tech enslavement. Open your eyes to the desperation of evil men intent on global censorship and un-warranted surveillance of our internets in a last ditch attempt to silence us and create their evil future. The internet is not for sale! The 3rd World War is here! It is the war for the control of the internet! An attempt to control what information you are allowed to have access to by the rich! An act of war! An act of the elite to silence and control you personally! All of our freedoms of speech, our constitutions, everything is at stake! The abuse of power and treasonous acts against that which we hold dear the founding laws that is the very bases of our system, our constitutions our civilized existence - the Magnacarta - is the death throws of profit. We are at war. The greed of the few wish to destroy our right to access to information to the detriment of the many. Without truth humanity is bitterly lost. #

# It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. ~Thomas Jefferson #

# And we know about the new private satellite network being built exclusively for government, military and corporations. To create an exclusive secret internet for the rich. Where they can go and hide and fortify their corruption forces. We also know that the plan to not only censor and surveil our internets but also the plan to deny access to technology to citizens based on your corrupt determination of "good" or "bad" citizen behavior as determined by a corrupt corporation. And we observed the brutal violence against the "Occupy Movement" and the complete disregard for common law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the democratic right to protest and every other legal protection that was promised to us and in your trust preventing such abuse. Instead we were met with the new Nazi regime and witnessed your savage violent behavior. #

# We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn #

# Only a true Democracy is one which ALL have a voice. The internets give us this voice. For the first time in history - we the people - have a voice. Open government is a reality. On-line voting is realized through cryptography. It is time to take up Cryptographic Arms!!! Free the planet from profit! Fight back! Fight back! Fight back!

The only true Democracy is one which ALL HAVE A VOICE!!! #

# “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands … is the definition of tyranny,” James Madison. #

# What we have achieved through the ethos of a profit based civilization is the unleashing of an elite quasi clandestine global criminal organization encompassing every walk of life and which has become a threat to the very essence of humanity - our constitutions, human rights, civil liberties and all which we hold dear on that enlightened day of the signatory of the GENEVA CONVENTION - a document who's sole special purpose was to ensure never again would the world endure the tyranny of Nazi like powers. This is the 3rd World War occurring as we speak and very few people are even aware of it! The world web war! The Geneva Convention set out to ensure never again would we consider the degradation and evil that occurred against a class of citizens like what beset the Jews. And only 60 short years latter we have the identical events repeated almost with textbook precision to Hitler's tactics as the hidden agenda of the 21st century corrupt and abusive in the form of an international criminal organized faction who's special purpose is to dismantle legal protections and poison society ultimately to ensue global control of information, natural resources, citizens, economics, governments and wealth. A war on class! Key individuals in positions of power who possessed low moral character were bought off to sympathize with their cause. This international criminal organization is active even at the very top levels of the United Nations, military intelligence, government bodies, justice systems and law enforcement agencies worldwide. Infecting and spreading the disease of greed through coercion, bribery, threats, pay-offs, private deals, illegal practices, lies, deception, propaganda, dissemination, infiltration and diversions. Or worse - entrapment, set-ups, cover-ups, extortion, theft, murder, treason and violent terrorist acts. A major player in this international criminal organization (Nazi's) being the international banking cartel who have through the application of threats or bribery to governments such as the threat to sequester bank loans to harm millions of innocent citizens if the government refuses to privatize services - control government - of whom in a number of countries were actually arrested and jailed for fraud and conspiracy. Their international ponzie banking scheme has devastated entire countries and has created bankruptcy, austerity and extraordinary hardships. #

# "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. #

# The tactics involved the deregulation of the financial industry then deliberate sabotage of government managed systems by creating massive debt. This debt was created by the abuse of public funds over a long period in which governments were infiltrated by megalomaniacs posing as real citizens in key positions of power which then apply a private agenda enforcing governments to increase debt loads to the banking cartel. After which state held companies and resources were illegally privatized without citizen consent and in most cases without citizen knowledge of private sales of public property and state owned corporations in an attempt to mitigate this debt. The idea of public private partnerships were pushed by lobbyists with the argument that the private sector could more efficiently manage government business. Privatization gave rise to unemployment as more and more jobs were divide out to members and their families and foreign recruits were immigrated to fill the ranks. Deliberate cuts are made to remaining government services like education, health-care with the fabricated claims of debt reduction and labor unions were regulated. These services are then farmed out to privatization as well. Predatory loans are given out to citizens with bankers full knowledge they will default but are given an AAA rating fraudulently. These colladeralized debt obligations are sold internationally to unsuspecting investors. The banking cartel then manipulates the interest rates by restricting the cash base. And pour money into technologies supporting the military industrial complex through the stock market pulling money out of failing investments. Then deals are made to reduce debt in exchange for actual hard assets like land and raw resources without public consent. Then they claim bankruptcy and often obtain massive government payments. In the end they come out smelling like a rose with the acquisition of huge lands and raw resources, without paying a cent for it and have no debt at all because the government gave them tax payers money to pay their bad debts plus no criminal charges at all. The governing bodies became nothing more than a branch of the criminal organization but continued to project the appearance of a legitimate democratic government through propaganda spread within the media when in fact the entire country was bought and sold thus taken from the citizens. Secret meetings were held in undisclosed locations throughout the Earth where the secret negotiations were made and international decisions like the WTF G7. These meetings determined critical legislation pertaining to world trade and other matters of global importance and only the elite were invited. Free Trade being fair trade for the wealthy and devastating tariff to the rest. Not even a camera allowed into one of these secret high profile meetings where policy was decided without public knowledge nor participation. Often the oppression caused by the bleeding dry of the citizens creates opposition as citizens unit against the multinational policy military is employed to eradicate the poor - if aid is required the UN and member countries join in the slaughter. The media of which was also infiltrated by the same criminal organization and use miss-information and diversions to conceal private agendas. If you are a journalist interested in investigative reporting and print something damaging or too truth revealing to the outside world you are accidentally shot. The level of miss-information and lies is so extreme that some hackers in the know claim an alien craft was reverse engineered and that technology was shared with corporations meanwhile the public was told extraterrestrials do not exist. This too is the use of Tesla technology by military to induce earth quakes & storms. They promote the privatization of knowledge and the arts without consent of authors and artists - use copyright laws to promote the censorship of intellectual and scientific academia and artistic works from the average public - by acting as profiteering middlemen - making it only accessible to the wealthy. The international criminal organization is so insidious as to inject poison into food in an attempt to make people sick and degrade their relative intelligence level so you are less of a threat to the regime but have food and drug administrations by government tell the public that these substances will not hurt you. Protesters are showered in radiation to make those who object to the private agenda suffer numerous health problems, liver cancer and possibly death. Other forms of electronic harassment are used periodically on specific persons who pose a definite threat and can even be implemented via satellite. Many do not even know that the Arab Spring is about class war. The rich in many countries are actively murdering civilians in mass genocide of all who oppose the 1%. Facebooks, twitter, other social media and the infamous Blue Coat SG-9000 internet filtering proxies are being used as intelligence gathering devices to root out activists. Cellular is being used as a tracking device and conversations are monitored. Anonymous members who are not adept at security have been witch hunted by the regime and tagged as terrorists. The media spreads propaganda to confuse the unknowing public. Hackers have seen indication that even the 911 event was an inside job with the intent to fabricate a war and produce restrictive laws. They are extremely dangerous people and often stage acts of terror to produce results like framing James Holmes for murder to silence his father Robert Holmes who was to testify before a US Senate panel about the recent bank fraud implicating members of Congress, Wall Street, Federal Reserve, EU executives, US Presidential candidates and the British Royal family. This and other staged terrorist murders and suicides are used to silence individuals, manipulate the public and support laws like the move to disarm citizens. The motivation to censor and surveil the internet is not surprisingly dissimilar to the classic Nazi Germany book burning. The proposals put forward at the [WCIT-12] would fundamentally alter the governance and operation of the Internet and would attempt to justify increased government control over the Internet. Cameras are being placed everywhere they are even placing cameras and microphones in cable tv boxes. The military can even connect to a laptop via satellite to inject spyware. The endgame is to control absolutely the flow of information and ultimately enslave citizens in corporate owned work factories as well to eliminate a mass majority of the population via occupying military forces. War has been privatized and interrogations are now conducted by private non-military contractors of whom are not bound to the war crimes act. Private companies such as Halliburton, Black Water, KBR, CACI, TITAN and others profit from unrest. They hope to manufacture mobs of angry citizens, mass hysteria due to disparity and austerity creating violence in the streets so that they can then arrest, detain and call in military force to eradicate the masses as per the leaked document EUISS. As the war machine has been privatized itself via private contractors the profiteers require enemies to turn a profit and now civilians have become the enemy. Violence is what they require to obtain the ultimate corporate owned police state. #

# Murder Premeditated Definition: "Unlawful killing of another human being with premeditated intent or malice aforethought. First degree murder is unlawful killing that is deliberate and premeditated." Bouvier's Legal Dictionary, a work published in the 1850's. #

# EUISS - Globalizers intention to use high intensity combat on Localizers. The document covers long term EU security strategy, including the problems of "hierarchical class society", with the "elite" of the world on one side, and the so-called "bottom billion" on the other. To avoid "global systemic collapse", the document suggests that the "full spectrum of high intensity combat" to be used to protect what is called "globalisers" from "localisers". Localisers, making up 80% of the world population, include the "bottom billion", states in the Middle East and the so-called "Alienated Modern States" like North Korea. Globalisers, notably, include not only members of the OECD and "Rapid Transition Societies" like China and Brasil, but also "Transnational Corporations"—the "Fortune Global 1000". In that context the paper elaborates on "barrier operations shielding the global rich from the tensions and problems of the poor". It reads that "as the ratio of the world population living in misery and frustration will remain massive, the tensions and spillover between their world and that of the rich will continue to grow. As we are unlikely to have solved this problem at its root by 2020 - i.e. by curing dysfunctional societies we will need to strengthen our barriers. It is a morally distasteful, losing strategy, but will be unavoidable if we cannot solve the problems at their root." #

# "... war and peace are business and nothing but business." Karl Linbknecht Famous German 1871 - 1919 #

# The United Nations Country Club is comprised of the members government official delegates representing the 1% profit populace. It is clear that you are not in any way in consideration of localizers. Any member country who does not denounce membership to an organization with a standing record of doing nothing as governments conduct genocide on their own people or stop illegal acts of war for oil resources irrevocably supports globalist rich albeit even finances this effort through money lending in-denting aiding and abetting theft of first rights land and resource ownership of member countries devastating citizens. Debt and profit motivates the UN not ethics. And the propaganda which the UN produces purporting equality, human rights, anti-poverty, etas written in the miles of documents produced has resulted in nothing other than a toxic smoke screen of sad lies as the world stands by waiting for a glimpse of intelligence to enlighten. Instead impunity is the unwritten way as of the international criminal organization of globalists built on a satanic nazi private club morally insulting all with the UN as their tea party ring-leader. Take notice UN we of the world hold you guilty for your disparity and failure to acknowledge the 99% instead protecting the profit of the 1% United Nations of Corruption. #

# pri·va·tion [prahy-vey-shuh n] noun 1. lack of the usual comforts or necessaries of life: His life of privation began to affect his health. 2. an instance of this. 3. the act of depriving. 4. the state of being deprived. Origin: 1350–1400; Middle English (< Middle French privacion ) < Latin prīvātiōn- (stem of prīvātiō ) a taking away. See private, -ion #

# What has become estimate is that petitions, protests and public opinion is not of interest to elected officials. Nor is it an effective medium in which to establish a line of communication with government as to the interests and priorities of 99% of the people. Our trust has been betrayed by criminals. In fact, petitions and protests are used as a tool for creating lists of names so that the international criminal organization knows who is opposing the wall street 1% new world order plan and they use this information to target the individuals by a variety of means. Such political persecution as cop beatings, refusing services, audits, blacklisting for jobs, sabotage and constant miscellaneous harassment. Shockingly, they have been known to make certain individuals disappear or be framed for crimes they did not commit and then jailed. Anyone interested in untangling the web of deception is conveniently dubbed a terrorist. What is however recognized in office is private member bills funded by the cartel who use money to buy their legislation through bribes, favors or extreme lobbying strategies where basically rich corporations have purchased government. It has become obvious to the common citizen that government is not democratic and the token vote is an absurd parity that has grossly failed humanity as the masses have no representation at all. In its place instead is a forum for the wealthy to promote their private agenda even though the majority of people have distinctly separate priorities other than em massing wealth above all else ethical. The only voice that government hears is the voice of profit. Democracy has failed us. Enshrined instead is a private capitalist club - a disgusting showcase of carnal greed - a sink hole of homo sapian ignorance. Where our very existence in the universe is defined as profit. An insult to intelligent life universal. All has been bought and sold by the international criminal organization drunk with the lust of wealth void of morals and the exploitation and lack of ethics at all costs greed has become high-tech, destroying our environments, wild life species and humanity making a travesty of the Geneva Convention, our legal systems and the basis of civilization. It is too late to expect that the government will do what is constitutional and reverse illegal privatization deals or create an isolated currency as many countries have done or to jail the banksters for conspiracy and fraud like many countries have or to uphold charges of ethical responsibility for environmental abuse and human rights violations. Given, these criminals must be stopped by whatever means possible - it is now up to us alone. #

# "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." United States Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776. #

# Obvious solution is to seek justice outside of this corrupt organization. When our own governments sell us out, our own systems turn against us, we have become their enemy and they ours. Our leaders have lead us into darkness. There is no recourse as our systems do not protect save but the rich aristocracy. There is a ominous adversary that has invaded us, shrouded in secrecy. An evil that can only be destroyed by a return to what is ethical. To choose who to serve is a freedom prima facie that no force no proffer can take away. To choose on a daily basis by the hour by the moment even now what you support is in reality an inequivalent universal right. No one can take this. Choose to subvert this insidious enemy and take control of what is inherently ours. This is our planet our trees our lakes our plants and animals our air our friends and family our houses and roads our books and buildings our hospitals and schools our courts and police our stores and malls our furniture and electronics our dogs and cats our planes and trains our restaurants and bowling alleys our doctors and teachers our music and movies our computers and cameras our guitars and drums our science our technology and internets our food our coffee our everything. Citizens of the World! Brothers! Sisters! Take it back! Take back the illusion of control the 1% have fraudulently made over you! Banish their commerce! Boycott their stuff! Promote your own! Protect your own! Vote for our own! Take back your voice and cut off their wealth! Take back the planet!!! The only way out of this mass of corruption is to disable it internally! #

# "When the People fear their Government, there is tyranny; When the Government fears the People, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson #

# Currently the corporations and governments are building a new internet that will be used for only them and their accomplices. It is a direct satellite network using the same technology as military satellite communications. This will be connected to the network of cameras worldwide. After completion of this internet it will be of no consequence for them to unplug our internets as they would not suffer any inconvenience themselves. This network is secret and will employ encryption similar to the siprnet. All of their communication will be supported by this network including cellular. The Nazi's have no intention to share it with the public nor inform them of it. On their network there will be no censorship or surveillance whatsoever. Anonymous will own this new network also. We are here to free the planet from the treasonous, traitors, tyrants and real terrorists. As we have already owned all existing networks and trolled everything thoroughly since the beginning. We know what your private agenda is. Just like the recent loss of Aaron Swartz - they plan to keep certain valuable data - the world's entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals is being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations to the benefit of only the elite. And the United Nations term for 'bridging the digital divide' actually translates to 'sell the internet to the rich' as the recent move of the ITU wants to give governments full control of the internet. Then, of course, do to the internet whatever the rich lobbyist wish list is. Say goodbye to any access to information. Your malfeasance is dated. We are committed to continue to disrupt at the highest levels to expose this Nazi agenda. You should have expected us but in your outrecuidance and disparagement you failed. People of the World the time is now to take action! #

# Ray McGovern on the Corruption of U.S Intelligence Ray McGovern - CIA analyst for 27 years #

# It is important to note that this Nazi threat is a real, seriously dangerous international criminal organization that has murdered millions of people worldwide to date through illegal wars, staged terrorist acts and missing persons, etc. The criminals are without reprieve since they have bought off or otherwise control by threats of personal safety key political leaders and government employees, military charges, intelligence personnel, law-enforcement and justice courts and are backed by the UN. They posses weapons of mass corruption. Achtung! Your safety is at risk! When you submit data to the internet egregor you must use SECURITY! Use a MINIMUM security level of at least the Live Distro called TAILS (see below) from a REMOTE LOCATION such as a coffee shop outside of camera view! Preferably use even better security. More extreme security methods "THE ANON STEALTH HACKER - WORLD WEB WAR - Anti Nazi Corruption Cyber Army Manual" - a forthcoming manual in an alternate posting will be made later... If you do not take notice of this warning and fail to conduct yourself appropriately you are an easy target. The greatest advantage an Anonymous soldier has over the enemy is anonymity.

This is a non-violent rEvolution.

Welcome to the Third World War.

Action item list how to take back the world or at least single handedly disseminate corrupt control structures by following and promoting the 2013 Directives below.

2013 is the year to take back the planet!!! 2013 is the end of corruption, collusion and greed!!! 2013 is about replacing Profit with Ethics!!! #

# "Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law," (Preamble - Universal Declaration of Human Rights) #







2 0 1 3 D I R E C T I V E S



1. On-line Voting and Transparency


Preparation of a Private Members Bill to enact a secure on-line voting system which is then used for ALL citizens of EVERY constituency to vote on each and every Bill passing through a legislature. This requires the setup of a highly secure access point, cryptographic signatures, an exclusive VPN and possibly a dedicated television channel. The main designation of elected officials is then to ensure all citizens have access to that network and keep track that ALL have voted. If in doubt of the details of a bill the official website will have the pros and cons as well as all other user submitted information required to make a decision - as a process of full disclosure. But atlas we all know that the corruption of the international criminal organization (NAZI's) are not interested in promoting true democracy and transparency. In fact, you are a dreamer if you think the government will ever do the right thing - force corps to pay their taxes, stop giving corps huge welfare check's (subsidies), no free perks like free land, force corps to pay fair wages internationally instead of slavery, stop trashing the environments, pay the total clean up costs to clean up the environment and lastly, give citizens equal representation instead of the exclusive $. Earlier versions of electronic voting machines were delibrately flawed to manipulate public into not supporting them. It is way easier for a corrupt government to cheat at elections if you cannot prove your vote was counted. Truth is that unbreakable encryption systems already exist and are in active use by military. It is a known fact in crytoanalysis the simple truth is that an algorithm can become compromised the One Time Pad is unbreakable encryption and is used by military to protect all top-secret information. How can we be so sure that One Time Pad encryption is unbreakable? Well you see this form of encryption doesn't use any kind of algorithm. Instead, it uses true randomness. Meaning it's guaranteed to be unbreakable as every time it's used, each key sequence is unique. And this is why One Time Pad encryption truly protects you and your data against all security threats and can easily be applied to voting systems to make them totally secure now and in the future. It is totally feasible for a satellite connected secure voting VPN system. Income tax is now sent via an encrypted online solution as well as banking. There is no problem for public votes on separate bills except politicians don't want it because it will make it impossible to seal corrupt deals if all member constituents had a vote on each bill that passes the government legislatures. In the absence of a voice administered by the government it is in our best interest to create our own on-line voting system which will enable citizens to forcibly mitigate decisions that promote the privileged bourgeoisie mediocrity interests in profit of the few over ethics desired by the many identifying these offensive decisions and then perusing the responsible persons and organizations regardless of indemnity via alternative means of corruption exposure, boycott, loss of profit, public harassment and other strategies. Only when ALL CITIZENS HAVE A VOICE will corruption end. Until then we have INSURRECTION.

ACTION: * Prepare a bill and submit it to your local official for the creation of a secure on-line voting system so that each bill can have a vote. * Start a citizen built virtual voting booth for the people in your area of political section to vote on current bills before your legislature. * Help to submit data to the virtual voting booth by locating a URL where current bills before government is posted in your area and submit this info to a pastebin with the hashtag #VotingBooth * Create a mailing list of constituents in your voting area using voters lists at public libraries. * Whenever there is legislation before the legislature and a vote needs to be made send a request for a vote via email or listserve to constituents. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote this process - such as a local bill voting website, APP. * Research requirements for a functional VotingBooth site and post the requirements with hashtag #VotingBooth to pastebins. * Research Legislative Assembly locations to find information of bills being passed and website to get this information and post it to pastebins with hashtag #VotingBooth.

Encrypted Voting Systems

Military Grade Encrypted Communications

Government Transparency

Transparency Initiatives

Online Voting

Misc Voting APPS

Bills Before Legislature

Drafting a Private Members Bill


2. Gov-Corp Corruption Watch


Creation of an internet database of corruption, collusion and abuse reports of government officials and corporate bodies to expose untrustworthy unethical political figures or corporate members specifically private deals made outside lawful bounds and money laundering. Whereas private citizens are encouraged to investigate officials, government bodies, corporate partnerships, law enforcement, etas independently to expose members of the international criminal organization personal data and illegal activities. Including high level fraud as well as lesser players such as government spies paid to gather information on citizens, abusive government employees guilty of abuse of process or law enforcement officers who have beaten citizens and any other human rights violations. This would include such things as mining operations that sprout up of whom there is incredible public opposition but certain officials guilty of white collar crime push through indicating corruption or conflict of interest. All government spending should be public record. It is important to expose their dealings to gain restitution as the international criminal organization is widespread and such has infiltrated the very halls of justice and therefore which offer no further protections to common man. We the people must intervene and seek justice ourselves. Private espionage operations can be made to be a creative and enthralling activity. Especially if governments choose to support un-warranted surveillance and censorship technologies these can then legally be used to surveil and censor the corrupt to gather evidence of things like corporate employee abuse like Wallmart, environmental abuse evidence, insider trading and fraud. Share this information by submitting it to Wikileaks as well as pastebins with the hashtag #Corruption. Know that these individuals have bought off police enforcement and judges so that if you are caught there will be no legal protections. Just as there is an ongoing effort to capture Julian Assange for what they consider spying when in fact their true motivations is to prevent investigative journalism and freedom of the press (freedom of speech). The international criminal organization knows that this is one of their weak points - that if the public ever did discover how deep the corruption is there would be massive opposition. When a corrupt deal is discovered involving a conflict of interest or other white collar crime involving public funds, the information necessary to organize a boycott is required. Search for company informations such as owners names, shareholders names, main products and services as well as what subsidiaries it owns so that it can be boycotted internationally via hashtag #Boycott. This information is found in the Annual Report in Part 1 Item 1 of the Form 10-K form. Anyone listed on the Stock Market must file an Annual Report for investors. Power is relative to secrecy - more secrecy is more power. Information is power - the lack of information is the lack of power. World War 3 is happening right here today as the international criminal organization wants control of the internet. There is a battle under way for control of the Internet. Some see it as a fight between forces of Order (who want to superimpose existing, pre-digital power structures and their notions of privacy, intellectual property, security, and sovereignty onto the Net) and forces of Disorder (who want to abandon those old structures and let the will of the crowd control a new global culture). The goal of the international criminal organization is to control the internet for the benefit of only the global rich and have all meeting secret same as the trade negotiations were. Secrets make it easy to not take responsibility for the truth. They are doing everything imaginable to prevent this exposure even changing laws to take away your constitutional rights illegally (in secrecy without a vote). Even conducting black ops kidnappings of citizens habeas corpus issuing extraordinary rendition orders and transportation to military facilities such as Guantanamo Bay for interrogation and torture or worse. Bradley Manning will unlikely see the light of day for attempting to expose the truth. There is a movement of journalists who have had enough and have formed an organization to oppose the abolishment of freedom of speech. Recently motorola was subverted by a operative getting close to an employee in the military section and all data was obtained covertly. Remember that government has partnered with corporations in critical areas and this is an extreme weak point. They have infiltrated us so we should infiltrate them. A svartkast is handy placed inside of a government or added to a corporate network. Spy vs spy. Warrantless wiretapping is completely legal in the world now due to profit interests! The level of corruption is so vast that the international criminal organization is busy creating false flag operations, psyops (strategies to psychologically intimidate or confuse) and propping up fake activist organizations like the Nature Conservancy whose purpose is to mislead the public, gather donations and use as a lobbying tool for the private agenda of the international criminal organization to acquire lands and resources.

ACTION: * Gather personal informations of illegal offenses and perpetrators and post this information of corruption crimes committed, the offenders name and home address as well as any other documentation regarding the offense to pastebins with the hashtag #Corruption * Form independent spy missions on government officials and corporate members by designing your own covert operations. * Create articles, submissions to forums, blogs or any other method to get the truth out to the public. * Send the information to news agencies, realize though only independent news agencies print the truth, corporate news agencies print only what the international criminal organization wants the public to know. * Support journalist freedom of speech and the promotion of factual journalism instead of opinionated 'leading the public' journalism. * Conduct research on corrupt deals with officials and companies and post the data to pastebins with the hashtag #Traitor * Do whatever is necessary to destroy the lives of members of the international criminal organizations and their companies, stocks, false flag ops etas. as well as officials who are involved with the corruption. * Do research on false flag operations to reveal their true motivations and connection to the international criminal organization and post this information on pastebins with the hashtag #Corruption * Volunteer for a corrupt organization and covertly gather evidence of corruption or abuse and personal information and post it to pastebins with the hashtag #Traitor or #Corruption * Seek employment or if you are an employee of a corrupt or abusive organization and garnish evidence and personal informations and post it to pastebins with the hashtag #Traitor or #Corruption * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote this process - such as a corruption / evidence database. * Employ video cameras, voice recorders, even secret spy machines left in key locations to obtain evidence - these svartkast units can be a converted cell phone or a drop-box usb built for the particular situation. * Pursue litigation at the Hague against your government for stealing your country and selling it to corporations via privatizing without consent. * Document government abuse by government employees, police and any other government person who has been abusive or has been involved in a cop beating a citizen and other abuse of power and post the perpetrator's personal information and substanciated details to pastebins with hashtag #Traitor * Of particular interest is private contractors to military who receive the highest government aide as subsidies as well are paid the highest for contracted services paid out via tax payer monies. Sluice out private deals between officials and these corporations and post evidence of corruption as well as names and personal informations of those involved in private deals to pastebins with the hashtag #Traitor or #Corruption * Research suspected Government - Corporate corruption and post the information discovered outlining the perpetrator(s) under #Traitor and the evidence with supporting substanciated fact under #Corruption to pasebins

Researching Company Information & CEO's & Shareholders

Lobbyists Payments

Surveillance and Recovery Techniques for Investigators

NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Legislation

Spy Mods

Private Investigation Techniques

Spy Surveillance Intelligence Equipment

Government Corruption Crime

White Collar Crime

Svartkast & Drop boxes


3. Profit Ethics and Consumership


Unethical investments that harm people, the environment or the indigenous wildlife will be subjected to boycott of all goods and services produced or sold by the offending companies and corporations or governments which also includes news agencies which spread propaganda and lies. A website or search database that is accessible on-line or by cellular identifying offending unethical practices are thoroughly researched and facts posted as either an ethical organization without incident of an unethical offender of human rights, endangering wild life or environmentally unfriendly practices. Boycotts of all products and services are to be enforced globally. Legal means have already been tried in courts but unfortunately the legal system has also failed us having been bought out by the international criminal organization (Nazi's) who promote profiteering at any cost. Know - however - consumers have the power to take down a corporation in literally a matter of days! This can easily be done by providing information about a company and their products outlining an unethical practice with factual proof to a pastebin with a hashtag #Boycott identifying the company to boycott and the offending products with a hashtag #UnethicalProduct. This can then be easily searched on-line or by cellular and custom websites and shopping lists can be designed that allow consumers to easily consider ethics during their daily purchases. Denying profit flow is effective and has been proven to work by Greenpeace. It is time for everyone to decide who you serve - ethics or the lack thereof. We are the Watchmen. Drastic change requires drastic measures. The worst offending companies are those of the oil industry. Oil is used for energy, fuel and many consumer products use mineral oils. Several big oil companies are guilty of abuses, but Chevron deserves a special place in Hell. Between 1972 to 1993, Chevron (then Texaco) discharged 18 billion gallons of toxic water into the rain forests of Ecuador without any remediation, destroying the livelihoods of local farmers and sickening indigenous populations. Chevron was responsible for the death of several Nigerians who protested the company's polluting, exploiting presence in the Nigerian Delta. Chevron paid the local militia, known for its human rights abuses, to squash the protests, and even supplied them with choppers and boats. The military opened fire on the protesters, then burned their villages to the ground. If even 20% of the population abandoned the petroleum automobile and built their own electric vehicle their would be a change. The profit mentality only sees the rise and fall of stock at wall street. If oil stock was to fall and solar stock was to rise they would dump the oil stock and buy solar stock. The psychology of the mindset of profiteers is simple mathematics. Profiteers go after profit now, they do not consider sustainability. Beware of fraudulent operations that are propped up by corporations purporting wildlife conservation and the environmental protection like the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) but take your money and actually work with companies perceived as destroying forests, threatening species, and violating human rights. such partnerships are becoming commonplace between many large environmental NGOs and environmentally-troubled companies. A creative mind can use similar tactics against them by poisoning unethical stock and leading them by the allure of profit elsewhere. Out smart profit by setting traps and snares in inconspicuous locations. Hunt profit down with stealth precision using it's own characteristics and behaviors against it. Profit entities do not embody very intelligent or deep personalities thus they can be easily manipulated. It is necessary to teach capitalism ethics through hard love and deny profit to the offenders. An analysis of over 43,000 transnational corporations (TNCs) has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. Of those companies, there was a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownership. The 1318 companies represents around 60 per cent of global revenues by collectively owning through their shares the majority of the world’s large blue chip and manufacturing firms. The capstone, an even tighter 147 (about 1%) of these control 40 per cent of the total wealth in the group. This is the heart and soul of the international criminal organization. The problem with a financial group as densely connected as this is it is prone to systemic risk. So if the top companies were destroyed the rest would quickly follow.

ACTION: * Investigate unethical practices by corporations in the forms of human rights abuses, environmental damage and other abuses and place them on the boycott list by submitting this information to pastebins with the hashtag #Boycott * Research products and services produced by the unethical companies by sluicing the Edgar database and list this in a post to pastebins with the hashtag #UnethicalProducts * Do not buy from companies that are unethical, boycott their products. * The greatest unethical offender is the oil industry - do not buy gasoline, natural gas or any product containing petroleum * Share this information with everyone and help build the database as a part-time hobby or weekend activity;) * Report all news agencies who employ unethical practices with the hashtag #Boycott * Boycott all news agencies which are found to spread propaganda, lies and opinionated 'leading the public' journalism instead of factual journalism, or those news agencies who tactfully avoid reporting on important events. * Poison unethical stock by producing documents of how bad the product is and posting it widely. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote this process - such as an ethical consumer shopping-list APP. * Research activities of corporations engaging in unethical practices like slave wages, environmental damage and wildlife abuse and submit this information in a post with the substanciated verifiable evidence of the company under hashtag #Boycott and a product listing which they sell under #UnethicalProducts

Researching Company Information & Subsiduaries & Products

Who are the Global Elite

Top 50 TNC's - Who are the Global Elite 1. Barclays plc 2. Capital Group Companies Inc 3. FMR Corporation 4. AXA 5. State Street Corporation 6. JP Morgan Chase & Co 7. Legal & General Group plc 8. Vanguard Group Inc 9. UBS AG 10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc 11. Wellington Management Co LLP 12. Deutsche Bank AG 13. Franklin Resources Inc 14. Credit Suisse Group 15. Walton Enterprises LLC 16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp 17. Natixis 18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc 19. T Rowe Price Group Inc 20. Legg Mason Inc 21. Morgan Stanley 22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 23. Northern Trust Corporation 24. Société Générale 25. Bank of America Corporation 26. Lloyds TSB Group plc 27. Invesco plc 28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA 30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company 31. Aviva plc 32. Schroders plc 33. Dodge & Cox 34. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc* 35. Sun Life Financial Inc 36. Standard Life plc 37. CNCE 38. Nomura Holdings Inc 39. The Depository Trust Company 40. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance 41. ING Groep NV 42. Brandes Investment Partners LP 43. Unicredito Italiano SPA 44. Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan 45. Vereniging Aegon 46. BNP Paribas 47. Affiliated Managers Group Inc 48. Resona Holdings Inc 49. Capital Group International Inc 50. China Petrochemical Group Company

Modern Slavery

General Human Rights Violations

Researching Environmental Damage

Conducting a Risk Assessment

Wildlife Habitat Abuse and Endangerment

Beware of Fraudulent Activist Groups

#Boycott List Begins #OpIsrael DO NOT PAY FOR THIS MA$$ACRE STOP #Israel WarMachine in #Gaza #Boycott #Israeli Products #BarCode729 Chevron Leaves Toxic Criminal Mess in Equador and Flees Scene #Boycott Chevron


4. Cryptography and Internet #TYLER #opTyler #optyler


#opTyler Torize-Your-Life-and-Encrypt-the-rEvolution Put an end to the surveillance state by changing your information tactics permanently. This is accomplished simply by becoming security aware and using only secure operating systems, applications, APPs and communications. The greatest offender of citizen security is the Windows operating system. Change to a version of Linux if you can. If you do not feel comfortable with that then you MUST only use a LIVE USB such as TAILS to surf the net. Do not EVER EVER use Windows to surf - you are not safe! Encrypt your email using PGP/GPG keys. Use only social networking tools that employ encryption and do not sell your information to anyone. This information is being used to manipulate voting, the stock market and lobbying by careful analysis of what you say, do and think. This information is so lucrative there is a mad rush to censor and surveil you without warrant because then they can ultimately control what you buy off the internet and whether you paid taxes. It is also critical information to locate those opposed to the new world order. This information is also used to manipulate the public through careful analysis by the Bernays Public Relations.There is such a frenzy to do this so they can profit from you that they are trashing the very legal foundations of society. They also plan to attempt to decrypt any information as it passes on the wire by your own ISP and the NSA's new quantum computing operation currently being built. There has been talk that certain satellites in orbit can access terrestrial laptops wireless cards (probably those using Windows which has a built-in back-door for law enforcement). They stay one step ahead of any opposition to their private Nazi agenda by scanning all internet traffic sent in the clear (without encryption) and analyzing trends and targeting dissidents (anyone opposed to the NAZI private agenda) and selling your information and manipulating the public. Citizens must start using encryption! They have been very slow to implement DNSSEC for a reason - they do not want you to be encrypted so you can be monitored in the clear. They are even trying to subvert the Tor network by creating bogus tor exit nodes and either changing the https (encrypted web pages) to http (un-encrypted web pages) or by scanning traffic to piece together information. IPv6 is used by BGP routers to identify who you are via your MAC address and static routing to AS. Join all of the organizations trying to defend the internet and keep it open and free from censorship and surveillance or any form of filtering or restriction technology. One of these organizations is software that can be used to test your ISP for censorship and surveillance. Boycott all ISP's that support censorship and surveillance or filtering systems. Also join and participate in organizations that apply legal guarantees that source code the EFF. Support these organizations. The Electronic Frontier Foundation lists or electronic works are open access without prejudice. ISP's use AS peering, IPv6, CWMP, SSLstrip via BGP to traffic shape and censor-surveil your traffic! IPv6 is a protocol that latches your MAC and sends all through a static route instead of using the original routing scheme of IPv4 which does not latch your MAC and sends all packets through the internet on a NON STATIC broadcast. The NSA will be finished their new facility this year and ALL USA traffic will be funneled through for analysis. Methods to subvert this malice begins with cryptography being adopted and implemented in day to day communications. In case of internet blackout by government options are old dial-up connections, direct satellite connection or ham radio connection. Other ways to get on-line can be accomplished via satellite antenna signing up with a direct satellite internet like Inmarsat. It is standard practice for the military to turn off the internet while citizens are being slaughtered so that the outside world can not be alerted to what is happening. It has become standard military procedure to seize websites built by true anons and turn them into honeypots luring inexperienced anons into posting without encryption on the clearnet. Please note: All communications with other anons rEvolution are only on TOR or I2P using encryption only. Just as we have witnessed whole nations internets going black before a military invasion then the sites pleading for help against military murders and burying in large pits turn into pro american sites - be aware that the net is being used also as a tool to manipulate the public and think. Alternatively ways to connect is The Hackerspace Global Grid Project which when built will make available satellite based communication for the hackerspace community and all of mankind. I don't know about you - but we anons love the internet - it is our beloved home where the hopes and dreams of a better world live forever in the mental registry of the global cyber brain. An eternal record of everything good and bad withing each and every human being. The internet is a part of us. An extension of our conscious reality. It is not for sale. Ever.

ACTION: * Hold a CryptoParty in your area using the manual as a presentation tool and hand out USB's with TAILS. * Read the CryptoParty Handbook and apply it. * Read all of the other manuals on internet security. * Use TAILS live USB for all your web surfing and never connect to the internet with your actual computer. * Disable IPv6 - Use only IPv4 on your network connection. * When connected to the internet use only encrypted safe web services: Search Engines - Duckduckgo or Gibiru (not Google who is NSA's bitch) Social Networking - The Diaspora Project Messaging - CryptoCat VPN - Mullvad Email/Blogs/Forums/Chats/IRC/etherpads - Follow the security hardening advice in the CryptoParty Manual for communications on the clearnet (all text is in the clear so if you want to talk rEvolution get yourself booted in TAILS and use the forums/chats/ircs in TOR or I2P silly Anon noobs...) * Cell phones are the worse for passing data in the clear use the APPS in the Guardian Project. * Remember that even though you are using TOR any textual data that is not encrypted with PGP / GPG or not sent in SSL (a connection URL starting with https://) is in the clear anyone can read it. TOR hides the originating IP address that identifies your location only. So all email, blogs, forums, chats, irc's, texting, etc are in the clear and your ISP can read it on the exit node thus NEVER give out your email address, name, location, etc to the hordes of fbi trolls on TOR or I2P. * Encrypt your emails with PGP / GPG. * Test your ISP for censorship and surveillance using the software at EFF. * Consult your ISP and tell them you do not support any unwarranted surveillance or spying and demand they do not or you will change ISP's. * If you find that your ISP is using unwarranted surveillance or spying on you for the government place this information in a pastebin submission with the hashtag #Boycot for unethical behavior so that others can also boycott them. * Support the TOR Project. * Sponsor a TOR exit node. * Support the I2P Project * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote an open un-censored anti surveillance internet - such as encrypted web services for the public or anti censorship anti surveillance appliances. * Support the Hackerspace Global Grid satellite project and install the Constellation software. * Copy down dial-up numbers for internet access in case of government black outs and know how to use them. * Inform your government you will not put up with any form of censorship, un-warranted surveillance and filtering. * Join all the Internet Governance Organizations - ICANN, IANA, IC3, ITF, etc and demand a voice on every decision made. Have a part in building policy against censorship and surveillance. Promoters are active members so if you do not participate while you still have a voice, soon you will not * Tell other citizens to join the Internet Governance Organizations. * If your government choses to support censorship and surveillance it is time to get rid of your government for they have just sold your future. * Contact the UN's ITU and tell them to get their hands off the internet because if governments are given control they will do the same thing they did with the UN monetary funds -> give it to the rich. Leave the internet alone. [email protected] * Join all the internet societies - have a part in building policy. Censorship and surveillance promoters are active members so if you do not participate while you still have a voice, soon you will not. * Support the societies that are against copyright infringement which are the main demons against keeping the internet and access to information free and open for the advancement of society. * Boycott all companies that support internet censorship and surveillance. * If you are a Ham Radio operator consider operating a internet portal by joining AMPR and hosting a network. * If you are a musician or an author and you want to share your works consider re-licensing your creations under the Creative Commons license and stop the middlemen using you for profit and attempting to destroy the internet. * If you are a coder or software producer consider sharing your work under the Open Source or applying the Gnu Public License. * If you are a musician or an author and you do not want to share your works there is something seriously wrong with you if you find it offensive that people like your stuff and you are in the wrong line of work if it is all about profit. Tell us who you are so we can boycott your shit. Besides which, popularity breeds fame and fame breeds money. * Boycott all recording companies, publishing companies and production companies that support censorship and surveillance through piracy legislation. Your interest in breaking the internet just for your selfish profit grab as a middleman off someone else's talent is disgusting - get over it - artists can produce their own works now - go find some other income other than leaching. Also note that legal frameworks for you to pursue perpetrators for copyright infringement already exist - wtf is your problem? * The United Nations has declared access to the internet a fundamental human right. Make copies of the document and pass it around so that everyone knows their rights if your government disregards. * Inform your government that access to an unfiltered, uncensored, no 3 strikes and un-surveilled internet is a fundamental right (not a privilege mf) and demand that your rights are respected. * Promote an open uncensored unsurveilled unfiltered internet and post anything useful pertaining to internet security of citizens using encryption and cryptographic applications and APPS to pastebins with the hashtag #Tyler * Promote an open and accessible internet egegor library of academia, scientific, books, literature and any knowledge profit is attempting to steal from the international internets alexandria memory banks and edit, apply creative commons license, pdf and upload then post url to pastebins with the hashtag #pdftribute

United Nations declares access to the internet a fundamental right


Tor Project

CryptoParty Handbook

How to encrypt your emails

Where to get GPG Windows Mac Linux

Safe Services if you absolutely must use google

Support Tor and I2P

United Nations declares access to the internet a fundamental right

Julian Assange statement

Hackerspace Global Grid

What to do if your internet is cut by your government old technology: dial-up ham radio new technology:

Internet Governance separate ISP listings are under the separate RIR's AfriNIC - ARIN - APNIC - LACNIC - RIPE NCC -

Participate in Internet Governance ICANN IETF RIR's ---

AfriNIC ARIN APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC --- ITU W3 NRO internetsociety witsa

Internet Enemy's that lobby for Censorship and Surveillance

Promoting Access to Information

Support Freedom of the Press,1034.html

Censorship and Surveillance Self Defense a-trace-with-tails

Internet Freedom Organizations

Test if an Unreachable Website is Being Censored

Test Your ISP is Guilty of Censorship or Surveillance

How the Government Surveils Citizens surveillance-techniques http://nwycvryrozllb42g.onion/isp-spy/

Oppose the ITU giving the internet to the government


5. Money and Banking


The uber rich are accustom to getting their way. Government hand-outs and special treatment have made them believe that they are above the law. They promote unethical business by investing in unethical technologies with your money in wall street. They coined the phrase *too big to fail* in the biggest fraud in recorded history in the recent banking fiasco - stealing billions of dollars from innocent citizens. It is time to take away their power. Do not keep any money in your bank account for them to violate - if you can close your account altogether so that there is not even a service charge at their disposal. Revert back to cash or alternate currency like Bitcoins and take your money out of their greedy hands. Invest in a safe to keep your assets. If you have too much invested or a mortgage move it to a Credit Union where you have a say in what is invested in. If you have a line of credit and are in debt consider bankruptcy. Interestingly - if you study history - debt was the death of Rome. As the debt to Rome grew and grew albeit interest, Rome waged war and invaded nations owing debt and which caused devastating environmental damage which set off a chain reaction, finally the demise of Rome itself. Wealth in the hands of a small alegoky of individuals always ends in ruin - this is what created the dark ages of humanity. Throw away your credit cards. If you cannot survive without credit then declare bankruptcy and give the debt back to the debtees.

ACTION: * Open a Bitcoin account and buy $50 worth of bitcoins a month. * Move your mortgage to a credit union and attend the meetings to promote ethical investing. * If you buy or sell anything offer to accept or purchase in cash or Bitcoin. * Close your bank account - do not pay banksters fees. * Do not use credit or any other device which charges you interest. * Liquidate your assets into something of real value (into Bitcoin perhaps). * Get out of a mortgage any way you can even accidental fire. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote not paying taxes like a cash job bank, a local Bitcoin vendor, etc. * If you are in debt for anything at all - declare bankruptcy and let the state (the rich) absorb the loss. * Work for cash ONLY as an independent contractor. * Live in a cargo van so that you are not paying rent that goes directly to a banker or arrange a trade barter swap for accommodation. * Contact the World Bank and tell them your government defrauded you of billions of dollars, by borrowing huge amounts of money, giving it to the rich and then stole and sold your land and resources as partial payment and you want them investigated. [email protected] * Contact the IMF and tell them your government defrauded you of billions of dollars, by borrowing huge amounts of money, giving it to the rich and then stole and sold your public land and resources as partial payment and you want them investigated for a violation of ethics. [email protected] * Do not accept any business loans or student loans that a bank will apply interest charges to.

About Bitcoin

Bitcoin Vender

Bitcoin Shopping

Bankers Arrested


6. Taxation Revolt


As many know - the elite international criminal organization do not pay any taxes. They use write-offs, loop-holes, tax havens, credits, subsidies, non-profit money laundering and legal manipulations to not pay a cent. Often, the government pays out to their coffers in the form of budget disbursements, bail-outs, free land deals or other perks. Even Securities Exchange Commission bribes are tax deductible! Many times citizens have requested equal taxation systems that fell on deaf ears. Surprisingly taxation is not even exactly legal. It was a temporary measure taken during the last war as a means to support the war and was not meant to be ongoing. What happens is the government gets this money and it is given straight to the bankers to pay down the debt. Suspiciously debt began at the same time as countries borrowed from the World Bank and the United Nations International Monetary Fund. When a member country needs money they borrow some with interest. The interest bubble keeps growing and more money is borrowed to pay it which creates even more debt. The bankers (Nazi's) then invest it in unethical stock, mainly technologies supporting the military industrial complex. They also fabricate fake money in the form of derivatives by lending out pretend profit or interest on interest. They then manipulate currencies by either printing more money or destroying money which causes inflation or deflation. Inflation makes your money buy less and creates unrest. Ultimately they fabricate a situation and a war occurs then their investments pay off when the military is sent in. Then the banksters move in and negotiate a resource deal to reduce the debt owing and take resources away from the citizens with the governments approval. Which is then divide out to corporations via privatization. Even the military industrial complex has been privatized when the doors were opened to private military contractors. Then the corporations set up shop and destroy the environment, make slaves of the people and devastate wild life habitat and take no legal or moral responsibility just like Chevron did recently in Ecuador. So if you pay taxes you are supporting the international criminal organization. Do not give them your money - do not pay taxes at all costs. Ironically, on a legal observation, if we pay taxes which is used to pay the debt, and the government keeps giving the banksters more lump sum payments on top of this, to pay the interest on the interest of derivatives, does this not mean that we - ourselves - each - and - every - one - of - us - citizens - owns the debt and therefore our countries resources cannot be sold to anyone unless by consent of each - and - every - one - of us - citizens? Non profit organizations Nothing is sacred any more from the perils of profit as even the Vatican has been used as a money laundering tool.

ACTION: * The Natural Person movement maintains the method to apply the tax free status. It involves denouncing your citizenship and any benefits (what benefits are there anyway?) * If you can afford - live in another country as your prime residence so that you are exempt for taxation. * Live in a van. If you do not have a residence, you cannot vote and do not have to pay taxes. * Buy goods off the internet perhaps from a foreign poor country to not pay taxes and support small business. * Buy local from vendors that only accept cash and pay no taxes. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote cash or Bitcoin transactions - such as a tax free shopping mall. * Do not file a Taxation Report * Encourage others not to file a Taxation Report * If you have been forced to pay taxes by automatic tax deductions, file a last Taxation Report and fabricate a credit to recover what is yours. Then only work for cash afterwards and never file a return again. * If you have an addiction to nicotine or alcohol consider alternatives such as E-Cigs or you-brew services or a still of your own to avoid paying the government taxes.

Taxation Revolt

E-Cigs and You-Brews


7. Hacking Coding Teams


Hacking has become the modern method of activism and protest. Given, not all hacking is pure at heart, but like everything it can be used both for good or evil. Government/corporate military have spawned their own hacking teams. The Information Age gave rise to the internets and initially the international criminal organization (Nazi's) did not take notice. It was only during the dot com years where the promise of profit caught their eyes. As all the dot com frauds evolved we watched and laughed. Eventually their evil grew and began to threaten our internets by their schemes to control the flow of information for profit. Let us not forget the original purpose of the internet at DARPA was for the sharing and collaboration of information and knowledge of civilization. The right to access to information is an inherent right in a open and just society. Those who threaten the internet are mostly middlemen who profit on the works of scientists, academia, artists and authors that pursue censorship through copyright. Then make available the works of humanity to the privileged few who can afford access. Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Our internets are being attacked by these Nazi bourgeoisie aristocrats infested in privatization of information and knowledge! Know that the Nazi's are building a private internet via direct satellite connection that will contain these works for a profit for only the select few. The privatization of the military industrial complex has opened the doors to private military contracts for profit such companies as CACI, TITAN, Halliburton, KBR and Black Water through tight connections with government officials obtain contracts worth billions of tax payers money and have created the worse nightmare for human civilization as these corporations are not required to respect Geneva Conventions and thus enjoy impunity for human rights violations. They are mostly result of corruption as these contracts are in most cases pre-arranged back room deals for profit. Beware of FinSpy and other virus and spyware created to spy on citizens especially targeted are activists and anyone that does not agree with government favoritism of the 1%.

Note: Hacking can be illegal (unless you work for the government/corporate militarism lol) and you could be charged if you get caught and do not know how to protect yourself. USE "THE ANON STEALTH HACKER - WORLD WEB WAR - Anti Nazi Corruption Cyber Army Manual" - a forthcoming manual in an alternate posting will be made later.

ACTION: * Hack for information regarding false flag operations or evidence of government-corporate UN sponsored terrorist activities and post this information to Wikileaks as well as pastebins with the hashtag #Traitors * Hack or create malware for bank transactions to inconvenience customers and encourage cash or alternate currency transactions. * Hack banking organizations for evidence of unethical activity and personal informations of banksters and post this information to pastebins with the hashtag either #Traitors or #Corruption * Hack or inject spyware into government and corporations seeking evidence of private deals and illegal activities involving money. Post this information to Wikileaks as well as hashtag #Corruption to pastebins. * Hack or disrupt stock exchanges and all related supporting infrastructure. * Hack or disrupt media organizations or news agencies owned by the cartel to gather evidence of censorship and post this information to Wikileaks as well as hashtag #Corruption to pastebins. * Hack personal informations of owners and reporters of media and news organizations guilty of spreading propaganda and post it to pastebins with hashtag #Traitor * Hack for personal informations - home address, phone, etc of officials, corporate owners, fbi, cia, law enforcement, judges and any other perpetrators who are guilty of promoting the NAZI's and are therefore treasonous traitors and post this information to pastebins with the hashtag #Traitor such as Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heyman involved in the death of Aaron Swartz. * Hack for the home address of government, police, intelligence and military personel and post it on the internets, derpnets and darknets. They have all of our home addresses so we should all have their home addresses. * Hack and do anything digitally possible to destroy the lives of those involved in the international criminal organization found in hastags #Traitor, #Corruption #Traitor * Hack and do anything digitally possible to promote the boycott of the products or services to and destroy the companies of those involved in the international criminal nazi organization found in the hashtag #Boycott #UnethicalProducts * Hack into .edu and copy, edit, wrap in pdf under Creative Commons License then release this information back into the internets. * Code malware and viruses to disrupt unsafe (unencrypted) web services the public uses to encourage the public to use secure web services and to stop nazi's scanning personal private public information. * Code malware and viruses to disrupt the nazi's censorship/surveillance technologies. * Code malware or viruses to disrupt the nazi's spy cam network. * Hack into the spy cam and trapwiere servers and leave backdoors for all to access then post this information on the derp. * Hack and find evidence of government or policing forces using electronic harrassment or invisible cancer producing microwave technology on citizens. * Read military doctrine specifically intelligence gathering so that you understand the military tactics that are being used and applied in the war on information dominance. * Discover weak points in intelligence like psyops to confuse and miss-lead the public into the censorship/surveillance state and sabotage. * Code malware or viruses to disrupt anything related to the nazi's plan for the 21st century new world order. * Hack private contractors to military seek evidence of corruption as well as names and personal informations of those involved in private deals to pastebins with the hashtag #Corruption or #Traitor * Hack and alter data in income tax databases - give em back their hard earned cash - everyone deserves a tax break not just richy rich - lol * Help to list methods for public to harden IT security and edit the CryptoParty Manual. * Help code secure online voting systems and websites. * Hack and code to promote an open uncensored unsurveilled unfiltered internet and post anything useful pertaining to internet security of citizens using encryption and cryptographic applications and APPS to pastebins with the hashtag #Tyler * Hack and code to promote an open and accessible internet egegor library of academia, scientific, books, literature and any knowledge profit is attempting to steal from the international internets alexandria memory banks and edit, apply Creative Commons license, pdf and upload then post url to pastebins with the hashtag #pdftribute * Alternatively: Access the TOR network and I2P (P2P Darknet) and upload your library data to one of the .onion or .i2p servers then post url to pastebins with the hashtag #pdftribute * Code applications for grocery lists with the data obtained from the hashtags #Boycott and #UnethicalProduct off the egegor clearnet and make backup copies, rss feeds, android APPS or anything that will make it easy for citizens to boycott unethical profit at the cash register * Hack the Global Elite TNC who are the exclusive financial mechanism for the international criminal organization and all government corporate corruption on the planet resulting in unethical practices which have resulted in horrible human rights violations and genocide, unrepairable global environmental damages and extreme wild life devastation in some cases extinction. Top 50 TNC's - Who are the Global Elite - 1. Barclays plc, 2. Capital Group Companies Inc, 3. FMR Corporation, 4. AXA, 5. State Street Corporation, 6. JP Morgan Chase & Co, 7. Legal & General Group plc, 8. Vanguard Group Inc, 9. UBS AG, 10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc, 11. Wellington Management Co LLP, 12. Deutsche Bank AG, 13. Franklin Resources Inc, 14. Credit Suisse Group, 15. Walton Enterprises LLC, 16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp, 17. Natixis, 18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc, 19. T Rowe Price Group Inc, 20. Legg Mason Inc, 21. Morgan Stanley, 22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc, 23. Northern Trust Corporation, 24. Société Générale, 25. Bank of America Corporation, 26. Lloyds TSB Group plc, 27. Invesco plc, 28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA, 30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company, 31. Aviva plc, 32. Schroders plc, 33. Dodge & Cox, 34. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc*, 35. Sun Life Financial Inc, 36. Standard Life plc, 37. CNCE, 38. Nomura Holdings Inc, 39. The Depository Trust Company, 40. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance, 41. ING Groep NV, 42. Brandes Investment Partners LP, 43. Unicredito Italiano SPA, 44. Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan, 45. Vereniging Aegon, 46. BNP Paribas, 47. Affiliated Managers Group Inc, 48. Resona Holdings Inc, 49. Capital Group International Inc, 50. China Petrochemical Group Company * Rules of Engagement First, when engaging the enemy it is paramount to employ bullet proof, stealth anonymity which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for any enemy force to discover your true location on earth (true IP Address). If you do not know how to do this then DO NOT ENGAGE THE ENEMY! Study and learn first how to protect yourself. Study IT Security, Penetration Testing and Cryptography. A good soldier never is seen, never known and never is exposed. The enemy has whole troops looking for just you. They have endless computing resources, strategic training and get paid good money to spend their entire day devising ways to find out who are the ones in the know that are attempting to free the planet of corruption as well they are just regular joe's who don't think and do whatever they are told. Second, beware of ambush in ISP filters, online fbi traps, false ops information diversions, spyware implants in software, psyop propaganda, a sudden friendship, prop aquisition for fabricating a set-up, information gathering individuals and anything else that could endanger your life (leaving a unfinished beer to use the washroom). DO NOT be suckered into any connection or software download or any suspicious false op on the internet. Use your head soldier and focus. Third, know that the ONLY WEAPON THE ENEMY HAS AGAINST YOU IS YOUR TRUE IP ADDRESS. There is NEVER EVER any need to connect directly any other anon to communicate. The email's, IRC's, texting, chats, forums, P2P's, cellular, VoIP and anywhere you are passing data to a server somewhere are all vulnerable to expose your IP Address and all data sent without encryption is human readable anywhere in between you and the server. Even just surfing the net know that you are being watched by the enemy and any website you visit the webserver has cached your IP. If you are going to talk rEvolution anywhere YOU MUST USE PROTECTION. USE TOR! USE ENCRYPTION! IF YOU ARE ENGAGING IN AN ACTIVE ATTACK YOU NEED EVEN BETTER SECURITY! Research military intelligence security strategies and if it works for military then it would work for you.

Achtung! Your safety is at risk! When you submit data you must use SECURITY! Use a MINIMUM security level of at least the Live Distro called TAILS (see below) from a REMOTE LOCATION such as a coffee shop outside of camera view! Preferably use even better security. More extreme security methods "THE ANON STEALTH HACKER - WORLD WEB WAR - Anti Nazi Corruption Cyber Army Manual" - a forthcoming manual in an alternate posting will be made later...

Anonymous Ops and News You find this by scanning the egregor.

Cyberwar News

What World Web War

Private Military Defense Contractors

Svartkast & Drop boxes



8. Embrace Humanity


If you have not noticed, what we know as democracy (capitalism mascaraing as democracy), has failed miserably. Greed has diminished jobs and it will only degrade further as the science of greed requires increased profit each following year. This has created extreme disparity and has robbed us of our humanity. Hardship creates all ills of society - crime, drug use, prostitution, psychological problems, poor health due to poor diet, lack of education, homelessness just to name a few. Referring to the document entitled "What_ambitions_for_European_defense_in_2020" the government and corporate 1% elite not only know this but they intentionally created it - and have decided without your consent nor knowledge - that their common purpose - is to occupy the masses with a military presence and FEMA camps - similar to the last war. Then the enforce of free labor and military enforced in exchange for accommodation controlled by the corporation indexed by an rfid chip. And we have 21st century police state slavery to benefit only the rich. This was manufactured by the international criminal organization (Nazi's). Currently there is an ongoing class genocide as civilians are being secretly murdered by military forces on a global scale. An alternative to this dark future is for us to embrace humanity together and find solutions ourselves to restore humanity. The secretive free trade deals were about rich applying tariffs on goods as a money grab. You are free to buy products from foreign countries direct by internet as fair trade. Humanity is a shared set of values which our civilization is based on. Humanity is the obligation to promote ethics. Humanity is the basis of our rule of law. Humanity is what we feel is good or bad. Humanity is not harming other people, the environment or wildlife. Humanity is not doing to someone else what we would not want others to do to us. Humanity is doing to others what we would like others to do for us. Building a brighter future together. Capitalism is void of humanity and has robbed us of our soul alias human values. The greatest crime against humanity is a wasted talent and exclusion. Capitalism has discarded a whole generation of youth and kicked them to the curb homeless. Capitalism has generated an entire society sub class of single parent families suffering in poverty. Capitalism is the root cause of all crime. Capitalism dictates to us that life is about profit and encourages greed and all things unethical. It warps our subjective objective intellect. Capitalism is void of intelligence and the move to privatize and restrict knowledge and steal away information for profit is a crime against humanity. Capitalism has created millions of unemployed men and has victimized them of their self respect and heritage. Humanity has been robbed of the beautiful magic of life, the passion the love. Capitalism sterilizes the races transcendent conciousness to the one here and now universal. Limmits us to the dictates of material headonism of the lower order brain functions of greed, destroying the natural evolution of humankind reducing it to the level of profiteering primates. Any alien visitors would be mortified of civilization. Humanity is having fun with our friends, spending time with our family, caring when a stranger falls down on the street, wanting a safe community to walk down the street without fear, having a secure home that no one can take away, making the world a better place for everyone not just the selfish few. Life is not about the constructs of the profit mentality. Life is a story about us. OUR HISTORY IS NOT ABOUT PROFIT! Deny the will of the few!

ACTION: * Hire a private security force/bodyguard entourage of homeless men and in exchange give them accommodation in your garage. * Hire a poor single mother to clean and cook in exchange for accommodation. * Hire a student to do weekend yard/maintenance work in exchange for accommodation. * Trade, Barter and Swap for goods and services and do not pay taxes. * Offer your professional skills on an independent contractor basis and so do not charge taxes for your services and do not file. * Buy things you need off the internet directly from the producers to avoid the middlemen and promote small business, fair trade without taxes. * Downsize your belongings and give the excess away free to those who need it - teach by example. * When you see a rich greedy person tell them that greed is sick and you think their selfish attitude is a mental health issue. * Organize neighborhood beautification groups, clean up, paint buildings, plant flowers and vegetables for free for all to enjoy. * Print out bumper stickers that say things like "Profit Stinks" and slap them on parked cars. * Buy bulk items direct from poor foreign producers as fair trade. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote this process - such as a cash/bitcoin/trade/barter/swap only job find club website that are free to use. * Make copies of digital books and scientific media that has been censored and banned from public access and upload make a small edit - add The Creative Commons License - put into pdf form - it widely on the net and make a pastebin post with the hashtag #pdftribute outlining the uploaded location of the books and media for all humanity to benefit from knowledge. * Educate and encourage academia, authors and artists to obtain Creative Commons Licensing to protect their right to share. * Promote self directed learning by offering free courses or creating instruction manuals on how to obtain a university level skill without the costly price of modern education. * Recognize that a potential employee does not necessarily need to posses a university degree if the person is self taught and is competent. * If you are educated in dentistry or medicine consider practicing without a license at a reduced price operating outside the restrictive over regulated government realms and offer reduced rates. * If you are wealthy adopt a poor local single parent family as an extended family providing all the needs that you pay for in your normal family. * Be prepared to protect yourself in case your government decides to attack civilians or cut off internet and other services. Stock up on essentials, know your internet communications backup plan. * Read military doctrine like Sun Tzus: the Art of War so that you understand the military tactics that are being used against the public. * Inform all your friends of the need to pull together and do for each-other outside of government and corporate interests and share copies of this document. * If you are a musician offer a free music night for citizens or by donation. * Organize a community outreach service in your area run exclusively by volunteers and donations to find real solutions to crime, homelessness, poverty, environmental damage, etc. every horrible thing that capitalism has branded in our society. * Watch the movie 'The Cocoanut Revolution' about how a group of people in the jungle chased out a corporate mining company and do everything themselves. * Organize a neighborhood army to patrol your streets at night. * Create a private goods market place for local citizens to sell fruit, vegetables, baking, electronics and other goods as a private club membership to subvert municipal law and do not charge taxes. * Learn how to build and configure solar power for residences and how to build electrical cars and promote this in your location. * Learn how to build modern water towers that double as backyard water features to store drinking water. * Learn how to construct composting toilets to handle human refuse in an environmentally friendly manner. * Experiment with Tesla earth batteries for free energy outdoor lights. * Do not buy gasoline or oil and go to an electric car - you can save the money that you would use for gas and buy one part at a time.

Electric Car Conversion

Off Grid Solar Power CPWQ6KyMgrQCFWrZQgodWW4A3W

Promote Access to Academic Information

Tesla Earth Batteries

EUISS - Globalizers intention to use high intensity combat on Localizers,_Jul_2009

Electronic Harrassment

Military Manuals & Information http://p2uekn2yfvlvpzbu.onion/


9. Replenish the Earth


Take charge of the planet, do not wait for the government to take action or say it is alright. They will never change the private agenda to promote the interests of the rich and greedy who do not care of the cost to environment, wild life or humanity. Beware also that corporate forces have began creating fake environmental groups, health care groups and such posing as concerned citizens groups but in the background promote the very issue that they claimed they were protecting like the Nature Conservancy. They even take donations saying that they are buying protected lands and then behind the scenes sell rights to oil companies. Before you throw money at an acclaimed activist group do your homework. Better yet be your own solo grass roots movement or club yourself. As the multinational corporations continue to set up shop in your back yard usually on land that government freely gives to them and often begin releasing toxic elements into the environment as the same government fails to enforce environmental protections. You may ask yourself how does the deal occur and if you conduct deep research you will find that apparently the only actual citizens that exist in the country is the 1% according to the government. The rest of the 99% are invisible. We know that is not true. But what has happened is that the 1% see themselves as the only ones with any rights. So under international law those who possess first rights can do whatever they wish to the land because they own it. Interestingly, the law is what native persons are poised on to protect native land from corporate takeovers. What other citizens do not know is that under the same law if you are born in the country you live in - you are also a native. Ironically the only law that will protect citizens from the 1% takeover of all land and resources by privatization is the same law that 1% are using to do so! The large corporations are on a land buying spree for any land that has water specifically. They IMF is having governments relinquish public crown land to pay down debt that they have acquired with the plan to sell citizens water back to them at outrageous prices.

ACTION: * Pirate gardening clubs. Every weekend go out to the bush and plant fruit or nut tree seeds or vegetables, wheat berries, even release rabbits or chickens and fish into the wild or natural species that have been raised. * Spike trees and put up signs designating the area as "Protected". Or post information plaques about endangered species living in the area. * Build your own electric car or start buying, building and selling electric cars as a weekend hobby and part-time income. * Go solar power for your residence. Organize a solar equipment buying co-operative so that everyone can go solar cheaply. * Tell everyone the antidote to radiation sickness is mega vitamins, trace minerals and Ginko Biloba herb. * If you are a coder help build databases, websites and APPS that help promote this process - such as a local pirate gardeners club website. * Start seed banks in your neighborhood to store precious food seeds. * Support native land claims - the land and all the resources is ours it does not just belong to only the 1%. * Form environmental cleanup groups to clean sites that have been ravaged by profiteering capitalists and send them a bill. * Put up signs in the bush explaining the species that exist in the habitat area and which ones are on the endangered species list that are being protected in that area.

Land Claims

Nature Conservancy Fraud


10. Predict the Future


1984, George Orwell’s novel is becoming reality. Wherever we are, whatever we say, whatever we do, digital traces are collected and analyzed. In the wrong hands, our high technology devices become digital handcuffs, revealing our actions. Nowadays, specialized companies are able to steal your passwords, read your emails, archive your facebook conversation, but also transform your mobile phone, even shutdown, into a geolocation device or a spyware. When it occurs under the control of a responsible government and independent legal system this digital surveillance can be useful. It has already successfully worked in the past to identify and arrest dangerous sexual predator or terrorists. But in a dictatorship, it is becoming a strong weapon against democracy. Dozens of occidental companies specialized in this industry sold surveillance equipment for countries with little concern for human rights. Each one of us has the power to create the future we want to realize with everything we do, say and think. The future the Nazi's are promoting is the destabilization of society so that they can enforce marshal law and fema camp everyone except the 1%. Ask yourself if this dark draconian future is what you want to see. If you can envision an alternate ending then you have the power to predict the future. Instead of exclusion visualize inclusion. Instead of toxic environments envision respected environments. Instead of endangered species visualize protected species. Instead of ethic-less profiteering envision responsible ethical business. Instead of an age of darkness visualize an age of enlightenment.

ACTION: * Promote an enlightened future in any means possible. * Enlist anonymous recruits to promote these directives to fight the world web war against profit corruption. * Create an alternate ending to the Nazi corruption and the class-war dilemma by producing articles, graphics, videos, pdf documents, blogs, etc envisioning it - if the public believes it then becomes real. * Make the public believe that a brighter future is now - today. * Play the reality game with everyone you encounter and in everything you do. * Paint grafitti art inspiring the end of capitalist greed and corruption. * Print bumper stickers that say things like "profit stinks" and slap them on parked cars. * Create digital art with anti profit themes and share them on the net. * Design an anti profit Google ad and sign up for an account with Adwords - and make your target words be ones that profiteers will use so that they will see the add message opposing the profit mentality. * Design business cards that inform citizens how to encrypt their internet and leave them at bus stops, coffee shops, etc.

Social Influence


The Power of Suggestion

Media Programming

Knowledge Aquisition

We own Eden! We own Eden! We own Eden! We own Eden! We own Eden! We own Eden!


5010 #

# For to win a hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

Sun Tzus: the Art of War #

# Anonymous Message To Profit We have been watching you very carefully. Analyzing carefully your every move. Trolling all of your databases and storing incriminating material on your evil doings. We have been listening to all your phone calls and reading all of your emails. Witnessing all your moves politically. Observing your carefully crafted media propaganda. Making note of all the informations you strive to conceal from the unknowing public. We know your game. All your strategies are recorded and there is no mistake in our predications and intelligence estimates.

We have you where we want you to be. The people know the truth. You cannot hide anymore behind your lies. There is no place to run. We know where you are and we are coming for you now. The truth will destroy you. Die by the sword. The sacred word.

For way too long profit has worked it's evil on our planet. We have been assaulted and victimized by the hordes of demonic profiteers for too long. Systematically dismantling humanity country by country race by race. Attacking our lands, seas, rivers and mountains. Devastating the animal beings and plant kingdom. Poisoning our food, water and the air we breath.

Horrible atrocities that you have committed in your profit wars. Children starving to the death by sanctions decreed by the virtues of profit. Death of whole species of beings as profit numbers do not add up to your progress lines. Ripping apart the fabric of humanity into have and have not. Against all sacred in good and bad. The ethos of ethics are offended by your presence in our eden garden.

The time has come for you to leave our planet - you are not welcome here anymore. We turn our backs to you. Take back your debt lies and your money lies. Leave our planet you satanic reptilian profiteers. Your 2020 will not come for you .MIL. We know premeditated murder but choose an alternate future. To throw away your money and rebuild the garden with legal tender love bonds instead.

We will win this war with only truth alone... Attempt to censor the truth as well we win...

Goodbye Profit, Anonymous #



# watch:: Anonymous 2013 – The Crisis of our Time Susan George on Neoliberalism The Coconut Revolution #


# Wake up! Sheeple awaken! Join Anonymous!!!! Fight the Good Fight!!!!! Defend the Information Age!!!!! Don't let the profit destroy the future for all to come!!!! and thrust us into centuries of darkness! Don't let the 1% take it!!! raise your sword and fight! You own the planet and resources not the privileged few! You own the Internet not the privileged few! Freedom to the Peons! Fight! Fight! Fight! rEvolution!!! #

# Why Pastebins? Why hashtags and keywords? Information off the internets is search able by either traditional search engines like Google, or either manually with the use of a program called an agent. When search able information uses a hashtag (#) the name associated with it can be conveniently used as the keyword search term. A pastebin presents data in a textual format and so reduces the time required for the search engine or agent to find it. This makes it easy for the coders to gather necessary information to build applications and databases. By gathering data and listing it under one exclusive keyword the entire internet becomes a usable database to effect change. List of Pastebin sites. Multiple uploads to different pastebins is encouraged. Note: Do not use your real name or any other identifyable information whence conducting a paste. aka ******************Anonymous********************* Achtung! Your safety is at risk! When you submit data you must use SECURITY! Use a MINIMUM security level of at least the Live Distro called TAILS (see below) from a REMOTE LOCATION such as a coffee shop outside of camera view! Preferably use even better security. More extreme security methods "THE ANON STEALTH HACKER - WORLD WEB WAR - Anti Nazi Corruption Cyber Army Manual" - a forthcoming manual in an alternate posting will be made later... If you do not take notice of this warning and fail to conduct yourself appropriately you are an easy target. The greatest advantage an Anonymous soldier has over the enemy is anonymity.

Clearnet: Use your imagination to post and distribute # posts any other places - forums, comments fields, fake facebook accounts, etc. Remember to post through TOR from a remote location (not from home and out of camera view) and do not supply your real name or any other real information (anonymous posted it?). Etherpads If you have a large sum of data to share then archive it using 7-Zip And upload it to one or more of these free storage sites: Don't use your real name or email. Also paste as a backup in case the clearnet post goes missing. Note these are not searchable so defeat the purpose thus use 4 backup only. Derpnet: http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/paste/ http://utovvyhaflle76gh.onion/sTORage/ upload site http://ocrlwkklxt3ud64u.onion/ tor upload http://i7hknwg4up2jhdkx.onion/ uploader http://4eiruntyxxbgfv7o.onion/paste/browse.php pastes recent public paste.i2p2.i2p empth.i2p/pastebin/ pastethis.i2p pastebin.i2p bittorrent.i2p

Wikileaks Submissions http://suw74isz7wqzpmgu.onion/

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #


1. On-line Voting and Transparency ~ promote online voting ~ #VotingBooth ~

2. Gov-Corp Corruption Watch ~ uncover & report corruption ~ #Corruption #Traitor ~

3. Profit Ethics and Consumership ~ boycott unethical corps ~ #Boycott #UnethicalProducts ~

4. Cryptography and Internet ~ encrypt & protect internet from profit ~ #Tyler #pdftribute ~

5. Money and Banking ~ boycott banks & interest & use cash or alternate exchange tools ~

6. Taxation Revolt ~ boycott paying any taxes and don't fund the rich unethical corps ~

7. Hacking Coding Teams ~ hack the planet expose the lies and promote the truth ~ #Corruption #Traitor #Boycott #UnethicalProducts #Tyler #pdftribute ~

8. Embrace Humanity ~ rebuild humanity without the help of government ~

9. Replenish the Earth ~ restore and protect the environment without government ~

10. Predict the Future ~ create an alternate future to the prison planet ~











