Economic Sabbotage and The New World Order

The new world order dictates poverty and helpless dependance under welfare and government aid while the raw land and resources are stolen from the people under fabricated deals. I for one do not want a handout - I want land to plant a garden and take care of myself and my family myself. This is my land my country having been born here in this country why do I get arrested if I try to build a home and garden on vacant unused land? But instead we are forced to live off government assistance on the street? There is no jobs in my country but the government insider jobs and the government brings immigrants in and gives to them the few jobs available plus some are bought houses and live tax free for 10 years.

This is a deliberate process and format of The New World Order. It took me a lot of research and study on why the economics were so bad in my country that has so much.

After thoughly researching I found this is done in every country that The New World Order gains power over. And mostly it is the fault of ignorant officials or officials who do not take due diligence or do not listen to their citizens with regard of things like banker bailouts and allowing taxation loop holes for large rich corporations. Sometimes officials are bought off with bribes or coerced with threats to follow orders of The New World Order thugs.

The economic sabbotage is important to control the masses and not allow them to posess the needed tools to protect themselves and to persue change through the legal system or politicaly.