My life, without my knowledge, had always been restricted by the dictates of the New World Order. The depth of which I would not see until much later. For fourty five years I did not realize nor understand the impact that a small group of twisted indiduviduals had on mine and others existance. Many years I struggled to make my way in the world doing always the right thing I thought would lead to success and then I could have a good life like television shows depict and media projects everywhere in our society conditions us. To complicate I was naturally telepathic, had a high IQ and was mysteriously followed and abducted by alien beings. I was a definite oddity and a miss-fit that never fit in. Even though I had hope, on some level deep down in my psyche I sensed and knew there was was a dark presence in our earthly realm tainted with evil that was the orchestrator of a complex matrix of unjust occurrences and secret predatory criminals conducting horrid activity on this planet. I clearly could see that there was extreme disparity presented by a small undeserving band of miscreant frauds of which free riches and prosperity were leached off the backs of all the rest of the global multitudes. s
Initially I did not have great beginnings and was thus impeded almost critically for simply being abandoned by my air force father when I was one years old. Life is unfair but life is also defined by what one achieves in the term of a lifetime and I was never one to give up nor give in. Even though throughout all the hunger, ridicule and suffrage I managed to obtain an education in Electronics and Computer Programming Technologies. I firmly believed that the best duties in life was to better oneself in every way and lived by this motto. There never ever was a real opportunity or lucky break that ever came my way and for a while I wondered if there was some kind of curse against me as I watched as others got the jobs and had no problems getting access to resources while this was denied to me. So trying even harder and harder being the best I can be for sure this is the answer, so I thought. strangely it did not matter the harder I tried to make things happen I never had the edge. This fascinated me and so my research led to economics and the understanding of how our society was structured and implemented and to my discovery I saw how wealth was keep at the top and how money flowed up the pyramid continuously. If your family was near the top you had the required resources for success – if you were unlucky and were near the bottom – then you were treated differently. The prejudice inspired me to become an activist to try and make changes to the sorry state of this planet and country and for years I have been active. Because of this I have been the target of massive persecution by my government and had one time been beaten by cops for nothing and held without charge.
The continuous harassment by the government, the ridicule and persecution as well as every other means of hardship – ensues to this day – was as by design to make me give up and cause malfeasance. But my intellect drove me deeper into the rabbit hole and I delved into the ways of the world and sought to discover the truth no matter what. I researched everything I could fathom until while watching The Alex Jones show one day it all instantly fell into place like a puzzle fitting perfectly together – a instantaneous epiphany. My whole life was deliberate and textbook by the New World Order and affiliated secret societies to sabotage and destroy my life and steal my universal inalienable right to a good life, prosperity and the liberty of these rights. Suddenly all was silent as my consciousness was raised to a new level. I felt the enlightenment.
The discovery of the originating organizations that promote the destruction of the family and all else good led to the UN and associated organizations and societies – most of which had originated by David Rockefeller believe it or not, even the United Nations was his brain child. Secret societies such as the Free Masons, Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, The Committee of 300 and others are involved in organizing chaos in separate areas of society. These people who have created wars for profit, control banks and who engage in many horrible things like child pornography and torture and murder of women, planing to kill the majority of people on the planet with chemtrails and biological warfare, all for their own evil disgusting selfish interests.
Now it is time to restore humanity – purge the Earth of this evil. We are living in the third world war – an undeclared war. A war between good and evil.
We are the resistance.