Cryptography, Censorship and The New Age

In an advanced civilization there is no room for corruption to breed. Corruption begins where one group of people are given power over another group. This occurs when people are not treated equally.

In The New Age all private communications are highly encrypted to protect citizen rights to not be surveilled or censored. Free speach and free will are of the utmost importance and the very basis of a free and open society. The lack of cryptography is the initial stage of censorship.

With the exception of Government, full transparency and access is granted to all. As Government is the biggiest platform for damaging corruption even the lives of Government servants are open for all to scrutinize. Only this way can a free and open Government be ever vigilant of corruption.

Far too long has secret societies and secret agendas plauged humanity spawned by infiltrations of Government by private entities interested in personal gain and control. It is the greatest crime of all to manipulate whole countries by fabricating war and other nefarious deeds and shall be punishable by death.

The guarding against Tyranny and Treason in power positions is the greatest threat to a free and open advanced civilization and is of the utmost importance.