Interdimensional Nature of the Universe
Forget everything you know - it is all a lie. Everything you ever learned in school or at church. All television shows, movies and books. None of this ever taught you one iota about who you are and what is this place called reality.
What's more is this deception and misdirection was deliberatly orchestrated by a malevolent group of alien preditors who's interest is to keep you ignorant so they can control you and use you for their own selfish interests.
The truth is that this planet has the best gene pool in the galaxy and pure genetic DNA is worth more than gold or anything else. Alien races have been around for thousands of years and have infiltrated the power structures of civilization.
The real history of the Earth has been subjected to coverups through religion and missleading science. Even the nature of the human brain particularely the pineal gland has been washed. We are told lies that keep us believing that has stunted our evolution. Even free energy has been known and has been delibrately kept secret.
When I was young and had all of these abilities of soul travel and telepathy etc., I looked around and could not understand why most other people did not. Why I was abducted repeatedly and latter becomming a contactee and others were not.
After years of research and consultation I began to see the whole picture. Everything in society is designed to stop humans from evolving and realizing their full potential. If humans became telepathic and understood the real nature of the interdimential universe it would be the end of the control.
Humans would realize that we have the powers of Gods to create out of thin air, to walk on water, to do many many things. We would connect our minds together and be all powerful.
We would be free from the constraints of money and control through the pure science of the nature of our interdimensional selves. The universe is a holographic realm and the so called junk DNA is actually our God powers.
Naturally this DNA through evolution is unlocked through the achievement of raising of the frequency by becomming a loving person. The pineal gland is the doorway to the other world some call the dream world. But the dream world is real. It is us in a higher frequency. If you can raise your frequency high enough you can ascend to the higher frequency and become pure energy.
Everything is matter and energy in the universe and the ratio of matter to energy determines the frequency. There is life in the universe in the physical and energy in multiple frequency ranges. We cannot see or feel the ones that are out of our present frequency. But they are there nonetheless.