Land Use, Earth Ships and The New Age

Since there is no profit or money in The New Age, their is no housing market. Those born on the Earth have an inherent right to live on the planet if they so choose without prejudice. Alien races must however apply for permissions to the Governance.

Land use consists of specific guidelines basically restricting the size of land which may be claimed per individual. For example considering population per acerage.

The ecological health of the planet is of utmost importance and no surface buildings or structures are allowed. Living quarters can be subreranean or on raised platforms so as to not disturb the natural surface plants, trees and wildlife. Gardens are only allowed in domes to iscolate from surrounding ecology. Since all citizens have small space ships as transportation there is no roads only, a landing platform exists.

Prefabricated spaces - or Earth Ships - are available in a few different styles for free or you may design your own which is also free. They are completely contained ecologically sound as to energy, water, sewage and such. No one can remove or enter your space without permission. If for any reason the Governance needs to check your home they must apply to the Governance for permission. When you die or move on the Earth Ship is available to others or dimantled.

Contribution of food and other goods produced on your land gives you a credit towards the Work Ethic. So naturally individuals are motivated to produce as much as possible to share with the Governance.

Inovation and creativity is promoted for new efficient methods to grow food or produce eco friendly living. All must adhere to strict organic and non-chemical methods to grow and nurture food products.

Homelessnes does not exist in an advanced civilization. No one should ever be required to pay to live on a planet they were born. The New Age gives us a new perspective on what it means to be civil.