Money and Banking and the New Age

Everyone knows about the fiat money banking frauds pulled off internationally through the UN IMF and World Bank. The level of corruption in the system has been astronomical. To the point of placing bankers in as heads of countries!

The future monitary system must be impenetrable by corrupt interests to produce personal gain and be impossible to manipulate through manufactured inflation and deflation.

On a global scale digital currencies like Bitcoin are a valid choice. Even if some individual artificially increased value by purchasing a large quantity and then dumping them to make it appear to be a bubble. The perpetrator does not gain anything. Digital money can be kept off the Internet on a USB drive to avoid this.

Other alien civilizations work on what is called "The Star System" in which the individual is born with an instant Trillion points which are called "Credits" that is enough for basic needs throughout a lifetime. What is required is "Community Service" for at least 30 years of the individuals life whenever the individual is ready up to the limit of 40 years old where you must contribute. Education is free so if you choose a skilled position you can fulfill that.

Local exchanges employ a Trade-Barter-Swap technique if they choose not to use Digital Currency. Anything can be used even task swapping. A Product for a Product or Servic.

Taxation is illegal as the Governance is self supporting. All have a right to fair economics. No one is treated differently. No perks for the few. What you produce is the only means to obtain expensive items. No one escaped the 30 year contribution.

All government is open and can be surveilled by all. If you choose to contribute in political areas your rights to privacy are waivered. All books are open for all to scrutinize.