One World Holographic Governance

The Internet has given us many things not only the wealth of instant access to information at our fingertips to advance our collective knowledge of the world and the nature of the universe. But also the ability to communicate instantaneously with others in a manner which was never possible before.

The greatest form of communication ever created since radio is the Internet and as a tool for the advancement of civilization is vast. Far outreaching anything less the actual ability for telepathy ultimately that would trump it's existence. We are living in a technologically advanced society today and this has and will change the structure of all else.

Society no longer is limited to the constraints of the ancients of whom left knowledge to the few to control the many. Although there is a small group of rougue globalist elite that are engaged in an attempt to steal away the future of an open advanced society complete with space travel and replace it with the old regressive authoritarian feudalistic fascist control system only high tech. We have decided this will not fly and choose to have full transparency in government.

The New Age brings us a new form of governance not in the form of a pyramid power structure but instead a voice for all and a vote for all not just the few at the top. A New World Order must be defined as a Holographic form of power distribution not the old Pyramid form of concentrated power.

What a Holographic form of power structure involves is a voice and vote for all through an online information and highly encrypted voting system on a local level where decisions begin within small citizen groups and all thus accumulate together to result in a final decision.

The Internet is the Holograph.