Telepathy, Mind Expansion and The New Age
Telepathy and advanced mental functions are inherent in everyone. Just as we learn to walk and speak as a small child, these other abilities must be taught and practiced to master them. Most yourng children are telepathic naturally but their parents do not use telepathy and thus do not encourage the skill when communicating.
The suppression of higher brain funcitons is also deliberate act as well as an incidental fact. The dream state and soul travel, telepathy, remote viewing - all these talents are feared by those in power for obvious reasons. How do you control and dominate a population that can read your mind?
All advanced civilizations use telepathy to communicate. This is a fact that many people can confirm who have had some form of interaction with an off world advanced civilization. It is a natural evolutionary state of an advanced intelligent race.
The New Age supports the full potential of humanity especially the attainment of higher brain functions such as telepathic abilities. Parents speak to their children only using telepathy and in schools and universities telepathy is also the main form of communication other that text, diagrams, holograms and such.
The evil governments of the past on Earth indeed persued the control and suppression of individual excellence in every way including the development of extra sensory perceptions. They viewed these abilities as a threat. Religions propagandized members that it was an act of the devil and any higher brain experiences were shunned as demonic.
Science has proven the existence of the sixth sense in many ways with hard cold facts. Junk DNA is found not junk at all but entire racial memories and super powers waiting a trigger of emotional vibrations like love. Photon behaviour has been observed to be connected even when miles apart physically. Water has memory and can be altered by thought. Eye contact has been proven to exchange photons between two people. And more discoveries have been made regarding many other related matters such as the unified field theory.
The New Age is a historic point in humanity's history where we realize our full potential and develope our higher brain functions through the use of friendly technology and attainment of advanced mental functions. New Age educational systems include free thinking and the exploration of ideas beyond known knowledge.
Schools are no longer venues for the simple memorization of information and suppression of higher abilities of knowing.
Transhumanism is the polar opposite to Telepathy and other sixth senses as it is designed to hack personal mental thoughts much like the NSA steals all your data by force without consent. This information can then be gamed by the few in posession of it for their own selfish benefit and the deteriment of the rest. The real danger ultimately, is the planned use to mess with your brain wave signals through the use of force of which is used to mind control the individual giving a small few manipulative power over the masses. Quite the Orwellian opposite to a free and open mentally advanced civilization based on free will and equality.