With the promotion of the Google Glasses and the push towards implanting chips it looks like the integration of technology with humans may be able to extend our abilities.
But taking a closer look and conducting some research has rendered the truth about extended human abilities versus the natural evolution of the higher conciousness and the real intentions of this technology.
For centuries humans have been aware of the mysterious extra sensory perceptions that is called psychic abilities. These are a range of super human abilities such as telepathy, clairavoyence, telekinesis and others. Perhaps the greatest mystery is why some have these and others do not.
Modern science in the biological field has discovered that the "junk DNA" is not actually junk at all but the super powers themselves in wait for the perfect circumstances in which to come alive for the evolution of the human.
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Science has also made advances in modern medicine and have proven that DNA in a electromagnetic field can be healed as well as damaged. The DNA can be healed and completely renewed by using certain monoatomic elements such as monoatomic gold. This combined with radionics fields similar to the frequency of love can unlock the DNA.
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Conversly, DNA exposed to unhealthy heavy metals, flouride and other poisons becomes stunted and the energy flow of chi can become dor instead. Damaging radio frequencies like the HARRP antennna's ELF scalar waves causes the DNA to regress instead of evolve.
Transhumanism is nothing more than the artificial replacement of what humans already are capable of inherently and therefore the question is why is this technology being promoted instead of technology which is not a replacement to natural telepathy and such but which can aid the individual in developing real unaided telepathic abilities.
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The reason is this - synthetic telepathy can be manipulated and controlled whereas real telepathy can not be manipulated and controlled. What do you prefer to attain? Corporate controlled advanced communications or realtime sovereign independant advanced communication.