Transportation and The New Age

Transportation and The New Age is extremely high tech and instantaneous as the technology available allows for jumping from one location to another without the need to traverse the space in between the two points.

The transport of goods and people has always been necessary from the very early ages of civilizaton to the modern times. Movement of people to and from work and school and the shipping of goods from one place to another will always be a requirement.

Oil and gas companies have long since dominated the transportation fuel industry and are a thing of the past. The nuclear industry move to create the hydrogen fuel cell also is history as mankind rediscovered Tesla technology and beyond.

Global environments and eco-systems that have been ravaged by harmful transportation fuels are free to heal and retain their pristine expression as New Age transportation technologies are Earth friendly.

Tesla and suppression of free energy technology for profit cursed the planet for a millenium. The profit mentality and greed driven wars are a thing of the past as free, clean fuels are available to all as a basic right.

Space ships and star gates for transportation are in the posession for every citizen without licence or regulation nor prejudice by government.

In the New Age it is a right to free and clean transportation for all.