Nicola Tesla was the undisputed most brilliant inventer of all time. His creations have given us the lifestyle which we all enjoy every day of our lives. His most important inventions, although, were delibrately suppressed by the evil establishment. This included the free energy transmitter as well as the numerous inventions which were stolen from his hotel when he died. One of the suppressed was a method to teletransport physical objects to another location. Military over 50 years ago were experimenting with this technology.
Nicola Tesla claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrials and I believe that some of his inventions may have been inspired by ET. The suppression of all things ET related has been evident. Many people have had experience sighting UFO ships and there is numerous experiencers whom have physically been abducted or have had other forms of communications with ET.
Historically the real story of our interactions with extra-terrestrials and the influence they have had on our religions and governments has also been suppressed. The historic fact remains that we have been genetically engineered by an alien race and anyone who cares to delve into the research will find this to be truth.
Since I was a young child I had had inherrent psychic abilities. And I would be in the garden playing and feel someone looking at me. Looking up to the sky I would see the space ships zig zagging around observing me. At about age 7 I had my first alien abduction. The Nordic individuals took me to the moon and we stood in a crater looking at the Earth. They told me many things and returned me safely back to my bed. This began a lifetime of abductions by the Grey civilization who first introduced themselves to me when I was about 13. They showed me their ship and were very friendly. After that I must have been abducted approximately once a year for the past 40 years where they took eggs from me. We have a telepathic connection.
Having investigated my psychic abilities trying to understand how to control my dream state the Greys were having problems keeping me asleep when they were conducting genetic sampling. I woke and began speaking to them asking then why did the just take my genetics without asking and if they had any sense that this may be ethically unacceptable. They then explained to me that their genetics were damaged by a form of transhumanism they had engaged in long time ago I summize this had someting to do with the Reptilians. They then asked me if it was OK to take my genetics. Because I wanted to help heal them I said yes. But in exchange wanted technology to free the planet from the evil grasp the oil cartels, ect have on humans.
They agreed to give me the technology and gave me a tour of their ships propulsion systems, power systems and computer systems. The most important part of the ship was the engine. I was taken to the central hub of the small ship and after turning off the device they opened a somewhat small square box on the wall. The Grey pulled out an object and showed it to me. It was a disk shaped object that in itself looked like the classic UFO. It was made of metal and fit into the palm of his hand. He let me hold it as he spoke to me telepathically explaining what it was made out of and how it worked.
Being a young teen I had no idea what the Grey was talking about as he explained hyperdimensional physics to me. But he left a memory imprint in my mind that has lasted all these 55 years of my life. The disk was made of metals, copper, bronze, silver and inside was two magnets one on the top and one on the bottom. In the middle was some element that was spinning very fast he explained. Since we had no science to explain this he told me it is like a vaccum. This confussed me and he had no other way to explain it to me as our own science was not officially recognizing this element. He explained to me that the device had three poles of operation. One was the x-axis running through the centre horizontally, the next was 90 degrees crossing the x-axis as the y-axis and the third was intersecting the centre from the top to bottom as the z-axis. So there was six connections on the device as the input and output of each of these and the box which it was placed into made a contact to all six as it fit snug into the box on the wall of the ship. He next explained to me that the x-axis was electrical input and output, the y-axis was the frequency input and output and the y-axis was the magnetic input and output. He said that a small voltage was used to "turn on" the device in which an unlimited amount of voltage could be extracted from the output as the device was a monopole and took energy straight from the ether due to its fabrication. The device was used in this way for electrical power. He then said that the device was capable of phase shifting the entire ship into a different dimension using the second y-axis input and output in which a frequency is input into it from the captain in the chair which was controled by the person's brain and the ship could dissapear from our world and reapear in a different plane. The third axis, the y-axis was used for antigravity movement in or near a solar body like the Earth. They could increase or decrease the push and pull of the ship magnetically by increasing the torus field around the ship.
As I got older I attended a technical college in an attempt to understand the physics of the device. Although the course lasted 3 years, unfortunately their was very little about the dynamics of electromagnetism or anything else. After graduating I began researching on my own and studied many subjects such as hyperdimensional physics, antigravitics and plasma containment with the aid of the Internet. Nicola Tesla became my idol and his patents were studied extensively. Every other method of producing free zero point energy was a subject of interest. Including methods of cold fusion were researched. At last my psychic powers were used to commune with Nicola Tesla and alien beings and they have explained to me that the core of the device was a superconducter called monoatomic gold. The physics of the device I cannot explain mathematically nor theoretically as I am not so inclined.
Currently I am working on producing a model of which will be tested for functionality. The synthesis of the monoatomic gold is the most difficult part of the device to fabricate. Why have I exposed this device to the entire world without a patent? I believe that the people who try to patent such devices meet with opposition at the patent office due to the obsolete science in our establishment on the laws of both Newton and Einstein. And many inventers end up dead when they persue profit. The only way this technology can get out to the public and be used by common people to make the world a better place is to have the concept to be open source giving all citizens the ability to build their own freedom. I live in poverty and have all my life and given the element of my psychic abilities I know that there is far more to the universe than a dollar bill. The dream of Nicola Tesla is the vision I also share. That Humanity has for a millenia been oppressed as knowledge has been systematically suppressed. We have become enslaved by the banks, the petroleum, the hydro institutions and the technology which can free us and heal the planet exists. I encourage everyone who reads this website to build their own model, experiment and spread the technology far and wide on the Internet.
With the use of high technology that already exists in our civilization as well as high technology which has been delibrately supressed by reverse engineered downed alien craft the United Natzi's through the Secret Space Program, the New World Order plan to orchestrate control over every human being on the planet. Black military projects include exotic technology such as Nicola Tesla's free energy and death ray. Not to mention the alien technology reverse engineered that is in the hands of those in society whom wish to use it for their own selfish evil deeds. The powers that be already have space fleets in our solar system, use teletransportation and have bases on the moon, mars and other locations. While they deny us the use of free energy and this high technology, which they have stolen from Humanity, to make the world a better place they squat over us taking our money and resources.
What hope is there for our world? Wake up and take back our planet by developing the technology to secure our own prison break. We must realize the plan to suppress psychic abilities via poison in our food, water, air and medicine. Each one of us can develope our psychic abilities and freely communicate with aliens and ask for help.
Free the Planet!
The development of free energy and space travel technology will change everything. No more need for gasoline to power our vehicles, no more natural gas to heat our homes, no more hydroelectricity to light our homes, no more paying to live in planetary homes to banks when we can have floating homes!