
What is going on here on planet Earth? Environmental destruction, Banksters bailed out, poverty and suffering, harmful technology ...

And all the corrupt Politicians only interest is war!

Technology to solve all problems on Earth have been supressed for 100 years or more since Tesla. And instead made available to only the elite. It is time for the citizens of Earth to "breakaway" from these people and develope free energy and high technology to free the planet.

No one ever asked for our consent to sell out to an international criminal group operating through the UN. Meeting in secret with their traiterous secret societies producing policy for all which only benefits themselves to the detriment of the mass of humanity. Never were we asked if we wanted to give away our countries resources to foreigners or have our human rights degraded. At no time were we informed that these criminals had in their plans to kill us and our families in a mass eugenics program. Nothing was decided under consent or consensus.

This 1% falsely reflects the will and choice of the people in a democratic civilization. All of this is not constitutional nor legal and we do not support this concept of a breakaway civilization - a small group of rich corporations owning the entire planet with no voice for anyone else. WE THE PEOPLE have funded the Black Projects which have produced the alien technology that as been denied us and stolen from us. The NWO is merely the old world order only a high-tech fascist version and is the ultimate unwanted sum total trash of humanity.

The development of our own "Breakaway Civilization" is evident. By refusing to have others govern us and to stop funding their breakaway civilization by not paying taxes rather funding our own projects of free energy is the only alternative.

Therefore we withdraw our consent and want the elected officials to pull out of the UN (United NAZI) spawned New World Order private agenda fraud and arrest the bankers and corporations whom have swindled and extorted our countries tax monies and economic wealth, return it to the people and charge these entities and to be tried under a new session of Nuemburg Trials for high treason and crimes against humanity. And we, the 99%people of Earth, will not be coerced nor forced to take fiscal nor karmic responsibility for the crimes of the few.

The New World Order is a loosly clustered criminal group of about 2,000 to 6,000 people and their families. The NWO mainly consists of Royalty, top Fortune 100 Corporations and Major Banks.

Since the begining of history many of these members have been activly jacking our civilization in many ways - such as inciting major wars - in order to manipulate to their selfish benefit.

The United Nations is a major player in this criminal organization which was originally funded by the Rockerfeller family after Nazi Germany failed to take over the world with brute force it was decided that a diplomatic scientific method would be the best way to create a one world government instead.

The use of "secret societies" is the main tool of the New World Order in which to entice membership expansion via promise of profit encouraging unethical behaviour. Being compartmentalized enables a secret society to keep plausible deniability so that crimes are not pointing to one particular society. Most importantly this structure of secrecy keeps it's own members in the dark about the true nature and goal of the whole.

Through the "secret society" and "matter of national security" clause the United Nazi's can achieve their long term goal of ruling the entire planet and bring about the most evil dictatorship in recorded history.