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The Social Responsibility of Scientists

The physical equipment of North America is already being operated by the technical people of the area, and they are doing their job very well considering the handicaps and deadweight imposed upon them by the overburden of business, politics and superstition. Think how much easier and simpler it would be for the technical people if this overburden was removed and they had full responsibility. A functional government of a technological society would not be like any of the many varieties of government that have flimflammed the citizenries of the world for so many centuries. Let there be a governance of function, not an authoritarian regulation imposed upon the people by the institutions of non-science. The North American scientists are neither noblemen nor freemen in their society. Unless they are able to achieve some outstanding recognition, they must remain second-class professionals. The role of the scientist lacks social prestige, for the majority merely become servants of, businessmen, politicians, or the military.

The big advances in social operations will come from people who are trained in the techniques of science and technology when these people are no longer influenced or hindered by politicians, moralists, soldiers or businessmen. We note that the Challenger disaster was a result of politicians overruling technical people. In Canada the technical people were overruled and an Atomic Reactor was turned back on before safety concerns were seen to. It is frightening when we realize with whom among our countrymen social decisions rest. It is time for the scientists of North America to become responsible for the making of national policy and social decisions.

Scientists are responsible for the discovery and development of many things in the world which have a profound bearing, actual or potential, on social affairs. It is high time that the general public gave more consideration to the question of how much influence scientists should have in the determination of social policy and action. In this connection the term ``scientist'' as used here includes, technologists, engineers, technicians. Scientists, as a group, have proved themselves to be the most trustworthy and humanitarian of any group in society, as well as the most competent. They rate a role in determining the affairs of society far above any yet accorded them; a role far more significant than that of mere advisers to non-scientific decision makers.  Science and technology have provided the means, and politics and business have made the decisions which gravely threaten the future survival of the entire population.

 Dangerous uses of scientific knowledge are being promoted by agencies outside of the field of science. Scientists are inclined to be opposed to war, to human repression, to neglect of social advances, and to unequal treatment of humanity. But none of these scourges are alien to the practices of politics, business and the moralist who have subjugated them.

A report issued by a committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, on the question: ``How far shall scientist go in actively participating in the determination of social policy?'' was published in SCIENCE magazine. In the opening paragraph we find: “The committee found that even a cursory examination of this question leads to a serious conclusion: that there is an impending crisis in the relationships between science and American society. This crisis is being generated by a basic disparity. At a time when decisive economic, political and social processes have become profoundly dependent on science, the discipline (science) has failed to attain its appropriate place in the management of public affairs. “

The committee report deplores the fact that there is very little public interest in science and that it receives an unduly small amount of space in the press and on television, radio and screen. There is little inducement for young persons to enter science. Many of the scientifically trained people in America are being bid for by competing interests and thereby are being taken away from a self-interested pursuit in pure science.  Plus, governments and industry are no longer funding basic undirected research. The report shows the difference between the growth of the physical and that of the biological and social sciences. As a consequence, developments in chemistry and physics, including nuclear energy, are pushed forward without adequate attention being given to their biological and social implications. Progress in basic science is lagging far behind the practical applications of science; much of the latter must rely on basic research done 20 or 30 years ago. What we need now is much more creative research directed toward the discovery of new knowledge about nature.

It is time for the technical men and women of North America to become forthright and aggressive in their insistence that a governance of function, administered by people of technical training and achievement, be instituted to replace the predatory gangsterism now imposed upon our society under the name of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. There is no question about the scientists of America being able to organize a governance of function.  What is needed now is a modest amount of favorable publicity for science. This job could be accomplished by the scientists and technologists of North America courageously acting together through the associations which they have already established. Timidity, hesitance and subservience are not becoming to scientists.

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Answer is all the way!

It is most probable that only after NAU and NAFTA programs have paved the way, after the AMERO has been accepted can come the change to Energy Accounting and a governance of function. This can be accomplished via a coordinated effort by the engineers who should be guided by socially active grassroots people since they are perhaps more aware of the problems that need addressing they in turn should be guided by those who have graduated from the course of study known as Project Graybook on this CD. Our Technate could be ready to begin operating along the lines depicted in this plan by 2017 no more buying or selling or renting no ownership no debts no taxes forget about the dollar store everything will be zero dollars yup! 0$ on this Continent. Our technologically produced abundance will be equitably distributed via energy accounting hence forth to all who dwell in the nations that become part of our Technate. What equates to a transportation pass will be issued to everyone so they can travel anywhere within the Technate of North America at will. With few exceptions these features are not likely included in the NAU and NAFTA peoples vision of the future they will be added afta NAFTA.

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