
Adopt the proper mind set since this is science in the social field. When considering human social systems do so with these postulates in mind.

Technocracy Postulates.

·  Social change is unidirectional and irreversible.

·  Technology is today the only major cause of social change.

·  All social theories of yesterday must be discarded.

·  The phenomena involved in the functional operation of a social mechanism are measurable.

Send an email. Any and all social problems are solvable by the technological application of scientific principles on a Continental scale.


For those who would guide our continent into the future there is no more important document anywhere than this one.

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N.B. There could be much said of various so called different economic theories, but in application they ALL deal in evaluation and therefore are declared inapplicable due to the advent of technologically produced abundance.

The disappearance of value automatically invalidates ALL social philosophies as potential solutions to our social problems. Social philosophies are based upon moral values of human effort.

Values and Marx
The disappearance of values in tangible objects with an advancing technology approaching full automation is a functional factor NOT anticipated by Marxian theory of work values, nor by any other social philosophy.

The increase of energy-consuming devices in a high-energy civilization tends to nullify all concepts of value inherent in those of previous ages. Previously, that item which was scarcest and involved the largest expenditure of human effort was the highest in value.
