This document is intended for those who actively oppose the North American Union programs all of which will be put under new management by the Total Conscription program consequently many of the goals of the North American Union programs will be achieved and more this document is about the more.
It describes a Technocratic enhancement to one of the North American Union programs known as the SPP program. As to whether or not this will happen it is simply a matter of agreeing to do it as the usual financial, legal, political, barriers will no longer exist.
The widely opposed SPP program is best thought of as something that can, under new management, result in the oceans adjacent to our Continent becoming a safe haven for this planets sea-life. The premise here is that hunted creatures will migrate to areas where the least hunting takes place this being so after the establishment of the SPP boundaries, perhaps as globally agreed upon 200 miles from our shores, our own fishing would be automatically and immediately minimized as fish would, on our cashless Continent, not be caught and exported, for profit, to be eaten or used for fertilizer on another Continent.
Plus, (here is where the establishment of a North American perimeter comes in) fishing by any and all sovereign nations can be prohibited the prohibition can be enforced by our military under the direction of fisheries scientists without interference by profiteers local or foreign; our North American Technate will not be bound by any price system treaties.
BTW: without financial constraints and cost cutting inland fish farming can be done properly for the four most popular species..
If you have ever had any genuine concern for sea life we encourage you to use the www to check out how much produce from the ocean off our coast is exported from within the Security & Prosperity Perimeter to other continents. Check out our Continents consumption figure; do the math we can have all of what we need and most of what we want here inside a specific SPP designated area.
Those who prate on about saving an entire planet can do it on a massive scale by demanding the “sea life saving Total Conscription Program” circa 11/11/11 or settle for turning off a light bulb in some bathroom. Yoo Hoo! Be effective or be quiet.
Let it
Technocracy Inc. Est. 1933 of WA State is THE FIRST EVER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP investigate now.