I would like to thank the following contributors who in a variety of ways provided me with the information to create this website. I know I have missed some, but I will include them as time and memory (or my notes) reveal them.
Boyce Richardson, author of "People of Terra Nullius" a book all researchers of Canadian Indians should read. He responded to my letter and directed me to Ruth Holmes Whitehead.
Ruth Holmes Whitehead, Asst. Curator of History, Nova Scotia Museum, who sent me several items from their Mi'kmaq database, but more importantly directed me to Charles Martijn and Gerald Penney.
Charles Martijn of Quebec City who since 1994 has been feeding me info and leads and listening to my often incredulous theories. Charles can be reached at [email protected]
Gerald Penney of St. John's who in 1995 presented me with a copy of "On the Country" which gave my investigation a boost. Gerald can be reached at [email protected]
Marie Sparkes of Corner Brook NF, a granddaughter of Mattie with whom I have had several conversations re Mattie. Marie is a Mattie afficinado extraordinaire. See the Recognition webpage.
Phil Jeddore of Conne River NF who gave me access to his Mi'kmaq genealogy database. Phil can be reached at [email protected]
Betty Campbell of Corner Brook NF who is researching the Gabriel family but who shared her info on the Benoits and Mitchells and directed me to George Cammie.
George Cammie of Corner Brook NF who provided me with a copy the Camus Family history mentioned above, and who directed me to Alan Stride.
Alan Stride of Ottawa whose family histories of the Benoit and Camus families have been invaluable.
Ray Neilson of Pasadena NF, a great-grandson of Mattie and fellow
researcher of the Mitchell family tree. Ray can be reached at [email protected]
Professor Hans Rollman, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Professor W. Kirwin, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Professor Kirwin can be reached at [email protected].
Peggy Gale Bennett of Kippens NF. Peggy can be reached at [email protected].