1) Starting Up Dos Prompt

Click on the "Start" menu > "Programs" > "Command Prompt"or
Click on the "Start" menu > "Run" > and type "cmd" then press enter.

*this works for Win2k and may vary depending on the version of windows.

2) Logging Into The FTP

When you see the prompt  C:\>  type "ftp" and press enter
You will then see  ftp> , type "open vcn.bc.ca 21" and press enter
Wou will then be prompt with:
   220 earth FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
   User (vcn.bc.ca:(none)):
Enter your VCN ID and press enter
You will then be required to enter your VCN password

3) Uploading & Downloading Files

Type "ls" to list the files and directories
If you cannot find a directory called "webdata", type "cd webdata"
Type "lcd [Local Directory]" where the [Local Directory] is where you keep your webpage
   Type "ascii" and press enter if you want to upload a webpage
   Type "binary" and pres enter for any other non-text based files
To upload a file type "send [file.ext]" and press enter
Similarly to download a file type "get [file.ext]" and press enter

4) Logging Off

Type "close" and press enter to quit the current session
Type "quit" to exit the FTP client
Finally, type "exit" to close the dos prompt

For more commands type "help" in the ftp prompt.