Vietnam War Resisters in Canada

Individual Resisters

Creation of this listing finds inspiration in two separate events. First is an offer of a substantial personal memoir for placement on this web site. Second is discovery of the elusive story of what has to be the only ever Vietnam-War-Resister-in-Canada recipient of the U.S. Medal of Honor. (The book-length biography for Kenneth Michael Kays provides the merest mention of his brief stay in Canada.)

There are tens of thousands of Vietnam War resisters in Canada. Most remain unidentifiable and see little incentive to expose their histories. In this, Vietnam War resisters in Canada show kinship with the veterans of the Vietnam War. Both by nature embody the embarrassments that officialdoms and revisionist histories seek to manipulate and/or to disappear. As the circumstance of Kays demonstrates, the two groups, resisters and veterans, are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, U.S. military deserter/resisters constitute a significant proportion of the Vietnam War resisters in Canada.

The basis for inclusion here starts with one plausible/credible source relating to a verifiable historical individual. Memoirs, biographies, fictionalizations, and fonds in archives get special attention. For a handful of persons previously listed as individuals on the index page for this web site, reformatted entries are moved over to this section.

Selection of the individuals who are listed here can only be unsystematic. The primary criterion is record of involvement in events and circumstances prior to the Carter pardon of 1977.

Anyone interested in seeing a listing added is invited to submit a draft entry for consideration. To facilitate file maintenance and overall site navigation, live links in this section are provided only for material that is served from this web site. Use cut-and-paste to access other web references.

Over a period of about fifty years, the initiator of this project has interacted with some of the listed individuals. That said, all material presented here without exception derives entirely from public sources.

If your own work makes any use of this freely provided information resource, specific acknowledgment would be appropriate. Reference work is work too. Purportedly academic productions sometimes self-promote by piggybacking along while failing to mention the shoulders that support their pretensions. You know who you are.

AC   =   Amex-Canada
ARSM   =   American Refugee Service (Montreal)
CL   =   Crossing Lines
NSCAWO   =   Nova Scotia Committee to Aid War Objectors
OWH   =   Our Way Home
RCAD   =   Regina Committee of American Deserters
TADP   =   Toronto Anti-Draft Programme
VAEA   =   Vancouver American Exiles Association
VCAAWO   =   Vancouver Committee to Aid American War Objectors
WCAWO   =   Winnipeg Committee to Assist War Objectors

Darryl Adams   |   1947 – 1999   |   to Canada in 1968   |   AC • VAEA

Find-a-Grave – Darryl Glen Adams

Fonds RBSC-ARC-1753 - Darryl Adams fonds

Rick Bébout   |   1950 – 2009   |   to Canada in 1969

Find-a-Grave – Rick Bébout

Leaving America and laying America to rest

Yankee refugees : escape from freedom

Bruce Beyer   |   1948 – 2019   |   in Canada and Sweden 1968-1977   |   AC

Mark Sommer. Bruce Beyer, 70, prominent Buffalo Nine anti-war activist. Buffalo News (15 Apr 2019)

Bruce Beyer 12.7.17

Mick Burrs / Steven Michael Berzensky   |   1940 – 2021   |   to Canada in 1965   |   CL

Bio – page 238 in: Crossing lines : poets who came to Canada in the Vietnam War era. Hamilton ON : Seraphim Editions, 2008. 256 pages

Allan Briesmaster   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1969   |   CL

Bio – page 239 in: Crossing lines : poets who came to Canada in the Vietnam War era. Hamilton ON : Seraphim Editions, 2008. 256 pages

Jim Christy   |   1945 –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   CL

Jim Christy. Real gone. Thornhill ON : Quattro Books, 2010. 120 pages

Jim Christy papers – Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

Jack Colhoun   |   1945 –   |   in Canada 1970-1977   |   AC

Jack Colhoun. "War Resisters in Exile: the Memoirs of Amex-Canada." Amex-Canada 6:2 / 47 (Nov-Dec 1977) 11-78

Gerry Condon   |   1947 –   |   in Canada and Sweden 1969-1975   |   AC • OWH • VAEA

KeyWiki – Gerry Condon

Dick Cotterill   |   1950 –   |   to Canada in 1972

Dick Cotterill. "My difficult decision to desert."

Roger Davies   |   1945 –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   OWH

Roger Davies. "My life well-lived in Canada."

Suzanne DeRusha   |   1944? –   |   in Canada 1965-1967

Suzanne DeRusha. "Draft dodger: on to Vancouver." (6 July 2013)

Craig Dreeszen   |   1947 –   |   in Canada 1970-1984

Craig Dreeszen – Called to Serve Vietnam

Douglas/George Fetherling   |   1949 –   |   to Canada in 1967   |   CL

Douglas Fetherling. Travels by night : a memoir of the sixties. Toronto : Lester Publishing, 1994. 255 pages

Fonds RC0085 - Doug Fetherling fonds – McMaster University

Douglas Fetherling papers – Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto

Mark Frutkin   |   1948 –   |   to Canada in 1970   |   CL

Mark Frutkin : a few biographical notes

Erratic north : a Vietnam draft resister's life in the Canadian bush. Toronto : Dundurn Press, 2008. 240 pages

Gary Gallon   |   1945 – 2003   |   to Canada in late 1960s

Matthew Ramsey. "Pioneering environmentalist Gary Gallon dies at 58." Vancouver Sun (11 July 2003) B5

Steve Grossman   |   1946 –   |   in Canada 1972-1977   |   AC

Steve Grossman. "I want to go home, but ..." New York Times Magazine (2 Jan 1977) 8-9, 40, 47, 50

Ernest Hekkanen   |   1947 –   |   to Canada in 1969   |   CL • OWH

ABC Bookworld – Ernest Hekkanan

Missing voices: Ernest Hekkanen (2021)

Mike Hendricks   |   1942? –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   ARSM

Selective Service and amnesty – U.S. Senate hearing of Feb 28 to Mar 1 1972 (USGPO 1972) 225

C.J. Hinke   |   1950 –   |   in Canada 1969-1989  •  to Thailand in 1989

C.J. Hinke. Free radicals: war resisters in prison. Walterville OR : Trine Day, 2017. 400 pages

Fonds SC056 - Carl Hinke fonds

Roger Hollander   |   1941 –   |   to Canada in 1967/1968 • in U.S. 1973-1976 for Ford clemency

About Roger Hollander

Andrew Hubbertz   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1970

Andrew Hubbertz. Memoirs of the Vietnam War draft. Ottawa, 2021. 16 pages

Bernie Jaffe   |   1945 – 2004   |   to Canada in 1967   |   TADP

Find-a-Grave – Bernard Daniel "Bernie" Jaffe

Paulette Jiles   |   1943 –   |   to Canada in 1969 • to U.S. in later 1980s

Paulette Jiles. Cousins. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. 365 pages

Thomas Glenn Jolley   |   1944 – 2014   |   in Canada 1967-1968

Wikipedia – Thomas Glenn Jolley

Joseph Jones   |   1947 –   |   to Canada in 1970   |   AC • CL • OWH

Bio – page 244 in: Crossing lines : poets who came to Canada in the Vietnam War era. Hamilton ON : Seraphim Editions, 2008. 256 pages

Kenneth Michael Kays   |   1949 – 1991   |   in Canada for one month 1969/1970

Randy K. Mills. Troubled hero : a medal of honor, Vietnam, and the war at home. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2006. xii, 167 pages

Michael Klein   |   1938 –   |   in Canada 1967-1969 • to U.S. 1970 • to Canada for job 1975   |   OWH

Michael Klein. Dissident doctor : catching babies and changing the status quo. Madeira Park BC : Douglas & McIntyre, 2018. xv, 288 pages

Dee Knight   |   1946 –   |   in Canada 1968-1974   |   AC

Dee Knight. My whirlwind lives : a political memoir & manifesto. Toronto : Guernica World Editions, 2022. x, 195 pages

Mark Krotter   |   1947 – 2005   |   to Canada in 1968

Find-a-Grave – Mark Musick Krotter

Alison Johnson. The eleventh hour can't last forever. Brunswick ME : Cumberland Press, 2008. 191 pages

Richard Lemm   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1967   |   CL

Richard Lemm. Imagined truths : myths from a draft-dodging poet. New Westminster BC : Tidewater Press, 2021. 272 pages

Richard Lind   |   1945 – 2016   |   to Canada in 1968   |   AC • NSCAWO

Find-a-Grave – Richard Neal Lind

Tony McQuail   |   1952 –   |   to Canada in 1971   |   OWH

Kristin Schwab. "These Americans moved to Canada for political reasons. They don't regret it." Guardian (19 Apr 2017)

Keith Maillard   |   1942 –   |   to Canada in 1970   |   CL

Keith Maillard: a self portrait

Tim Maloney   |   1945? –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   WCAWO

"Draft dodgers plan mass protest of Ford amnesty." Ottawa Citizen (24 Sept 1974) 14

Larry Martin   |   1946 – 2020   |   to Canada in 1969   |   OWH • VCAAWO

Obituary – Vancouver Sun (7 Feb 2020)

Irene Mock   |   1949 – 2018   |   to Canada in 1971

Find-a-Grave – Irene Louise Popkin-Clurman Mock

Richard Moore   |   1947 –   |   to Sweden in 1969 • to Canada in 1971 • to U.S. sometime after 1978

Richard Moore. Richard : portrait of a Vietnam War resister. San Francisco : R. Moore, c1987. [40] pages

Allen Morgan   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1968

Allen Morgan. Dropping out in 3/4 time. New York : Seabury Press, c1972. 152 pages

Writers Union of Canada – Allen Morgan

Philip Mullins   |   1945 –   |   in Canada 1968-1980 and 1985-1987

Ragnarokr – Philip M. Mullins

Joe Nickell   |   1944 –   |   in Canada 1968-77   |   AC • CL

Persona tabs: Amnesty Recipient / Anti-War Activist / Exile / Federal Fugitive / ROTC Cadet / War Resister

Richard Orlandini   |   1945 – 2015   |   to Canada in 1969? • to Mexico in 2004   |   AC

Find-a-Grave – Richard Joseph Orlandini

Bud Osborn   |   1947 – 2014   |   to Canada in 1969

Find-a-Grave – Walton Homer “Bud” Osborn III

Fonds MsC-164 - Bud Osborn fonds – Simon Fraser University Library

Richard Paterak   |   1943 –   |   to Canada in 1966   |   TADP

Anders Morley. "Last-generation Americans." Maisonneuve (6 Mar 2018)

Dick Perrin   |   1948 –   |   to France in 1967 • to Canada in 1969   |   RCAD

Dick Perrin. G.I. resister : the story of how one American soldier and his family fought the war in Vietnam. Victoria, B.C. : Trafford, 2002. 170 pages

Richard Perrin papers, 1966-2001 – University of Massachusetts Boston

John Phillips   |   1945 – 2010   |   to Canada in 1967

Find-a-Grave – John Franklin Phillips

Baldwin Street Gallery Archives

Stanley J. Pietlock jr   |   1943 –   |   to Canada in 1967   |   AC

William Borders. "Some U.S. exiles become Canadian." New York Times (13 May 1973) 6

Bruce Proctor   |   1943 – 2011   |   to Sweden in 1968 • to Canada in 1972

Find-a-Grave – Bruce Stevens Proctor

Mark Satin   |   1946 –   |   in Canada 1967-1977   |   TADP

Wikipedia – Mark Satin

Toronto Anti-Draft Programme: where the guys who said “No!” came for help

Manual for Draft-Age Immigrants to Canada

Bringing draft dodgers to Canada in the 1960s: the reality behind the romance (Sept 2015)

Manuscript Collection MS COLL 00629 - Mark Satin Papers

Michael Shaffer   |   1942 – 2019   |   to Canada in 1970   |   OWH

Find-a-Grave – Michael Brooke Shaffer

Norm Sibum   |   1947 –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   CL

Bio – page 250 in: Crossing lines : poets who came to Canada in the Vietnam War era. Hamilton ON : Seraphim Editions, 2008. 256 pages

Donald Laird Simons   |   1945 –   |   in Canada 1971-1977

Donald Laird Simons. I refuse : memories of a Vietnam War objector. Trenton, N.J. : Broken Rifle Press, c1992. 184 pages

Edward Starkins   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1970   |   VAEA

Fonds RBSC-ARC-1526 - Edward Starkins fonds

Mary Ann Steggles   |   1949 –   |   to Canada in 1969

4 June – A Special Bittersweet Day

Wikipedia: Mary Ann Steggles

Samuel J. Steiner   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1968

Sam Steiner. "Alternative service or alternative resistance?: a Vietnam War draft resister in Canada." Journal of Mennonite Studies 25 (2007) 195-204

Samuel J. Steiner fonds / Mennonite Archives of Ontario

Susan Clemmer Steiner   |   1947 – 2019   |   to Canada in 1969

Find-a-Grave – Susan D. Clemmer Steiner

Charley Stimac   |   1949 – 2018   |   to Canada in 1972   |   AC

Find-a-Grave – Charles Michael Stimac

John Strickland   |   1943 –   |   to Canada in 1967-1986

John Strickland – Called to Serve Vietnam

John Swalby   |   1948 –   |   to Canada in 1968

Interview with John Swalby – Texas Tech Vietnam Archive

Richard Teleky   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1968   |   CL

"Tale of torment and tragedy based on real life and death." Victoria Times-Colonist (25 November 2001) D10

Wikipedia – Richard Teleky

Jack Todd   |   1946 –   |   to Canada in 1969

Jack Todd. The taste of metal : a deserter's story. Toronto : HarperFlamingo Canada, 2001. xiii, 253 pages

Steve Trimm   |   1948 –   |   in Canada 1969-1974

Bill Buell. He headed north during the Vietnam War. Daily Gazette (14 April 2019)

Steve Trimm. Walking wounded: men's lives during and since the Vietnam War. Norwood NJ : Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1993. xx, 204 pages

Steve Trimm Papers – SCPC-DG-232 Swarthmore College Peace Collection

Anton Wagner   |   1949 –   |   to Canada in 1969   |   AC

Anton Wagner – CFMDC

Roger Neville Williams   |   1943 – ? deceased   |   to Canada in 1968 • also elsewhere • 1973 return to U.S.   |   AC

Roger Neville Williams papers (7 Sept 2018)

Jesse Winchester   |   1944 – 2014   |   to Canada in 1967

Ian McGillis. Jesse Winchester's debut at 50: the birth of an unassuming masterpiece. Montreal Gazette (14 Aug 2020)

Thomas York   |   1940 – 1988   |   to Canada in 1962

Thomas York. And sleep in the woods : the story of one man's spiritual quest. Toronto : Doubleday Canada, 1978. x, 221 pages

Robert Ziegler   |   1943 –   |   to Canada in 1969

Robert Ziegler. The draft dodgers dues : a banquet of crow : an autobiography. Victoria, B.C. : Trafford, 2006. 425 pages


Suggestions for additions are welcome. For contact information see  Joseph Jones


Section for Individual Resisters established November 2021
Last updated 24 November 2021
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