CR part 1 - finished

Hey there,

Just a short note (really the shortest ever) to let you know I am still alive. In two days I fly to Toronto (July 10) and then a week later to Vancouver (July 18). I wonder if I can still speak English properly. :) After that, it is a bit up in the air. I was hoping to have time and money to do a two-week trip to some unknown part of the world while I still get a student rate, but I'll figure that out when I get home and see my financial situation... Any ideas where I should go for two weeks at the end of July/beginning of August?

Lately, I have been just hanging out in San Jose at home. Of course, going out a fair bit, managed to track down two old friends from 9 years ago recently and it was good to see them... At home, I have been playing Mr. Fix-it, putting up a new screen on our back window to keep the bats out - it took many hours to sew it together, Mom, you should be proud. Then, I put up a new door in the back for more security as well as a new lock on another door. I had never put up a door before, so it was quite a chore, especially as I kept discovering some new problem or piece I needed to get from the hardware store. Oh well, it is done.

Today, I have been cleaning the house, procrastinating packing my bags. Oh well, I haven't done much cleaning lately, I'm sure it was my turn.

Hopefully I will see you soon... Take care,