An argument for baldness

Hey there,

Just the facts:

That might peak your interest. Or not.


What else can I say? Spend the 24th entirely in bed - 30 hours straight. Jessica and Randall, 2 friends here, also got sick, and since I saw them on the 23rd at a children's party in the poor neighbourhood where Jessica and my other friend Maria Luisa work, we suspect we picked up some bug from the kids... It was a fun party though. On the 25th, I got out for a bit, although I was still out of it, and had lunch at Heidy's. She gave me a CD and socks. Felt like I was home. (with the socks)

On new year's had lunch with Tomas, my old boss, and then went dancing with my friend Roger at a multicultural event. There were foreigners from everywhere it seemed at the club. Thailand, Holland, etc. We danced until the dawn as they say - literally. Got home as the sun was rising. That was good fun.


Well, as I mentioned previously, I was/am unhappy at work. So, I decided to resign. However, so as to not them in the lurch (I am such a nice guy :) I gave them four months notice. After the Nicaragua project is finished, give or take a few weeks, I will leave and seek my fortunes in Nicaragua.

My boss and I had a talk last week, when he got back from vacation and it went well. I still feel we are far from really understanding each other, but we have come to an understanding and I feel like I can finish up the project in peace.


Well, my grandfather passed away just before I went to the field. He had been on dialysis for eight years and did not really have a very good quality of life. In the end, it was probably better for him and for my grandmother. He decided to go off dialysis and died about five or six days later.

It is sad, but for the best. There was a small ceremony, but the wake will happen in the summer, hopefully when I am home visiting. (August is the plan at the moment - but depending on the job market, this could change)

Field visits

Well, I went to visit 2 of our 5 groups in the field. In the first one, I soon discovered that while they claimed to be a "non-confrontational group", they had a sense of humour. As soon as the two leaders left for their vacation and I was left alone with them, they locked me in the bathroom. However, it didn't go according to their plan as I didn't cry out and complain or curse them. I just silently waited until someone came to let me out. I think I ruined their joke. Oh well, it was funny to see the guilty faces after. :)

In the second group, I will claim that they attacked me with a razor and shaved my head. However, it is not completely true. This group had lice - almost all of them. So on the third night, at the nightly inspections, one little guy was spotted on my head. So, I demanded that they shave me right then and there. There was no way I was bringing back any friends with me. Since I left, I heard that one other person has shaved so far, maybe it is a new trend.

There is also the complicated story of how we had to rent a car to deliver food to all the groups but I will leave that for today. I hope you are all well. Here, things are busy and going well. Off to the airport to meet the new staff member for the Nicaragua project tonight, should be fun.

Take care,