background { color 0.5*<1,1,1> } camera { location <15,0,-1> direction <-1.8,0,0> right <0,1,0> up <0,0,1> } #declare col_red = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 0 0 0>} finish { ambient 0.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.08 } } #declare col_green = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 1 0 0>} finish { ambient 0.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.08 } } #declare col_blue = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 0 1 0>} finish { ambient 0.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.08 } } #declare col_lightblue = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0.5 0.5 1 0>} finish { ambient 0.5 specular 0.5 roughness 0.08 } } // #declare col_beige = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 245/255 245/255 220/255 0> filter 0.6 } finish { ambient 0.4 specular 0.5 roughness 0.1 } } #declare col_beige = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 245/255 245/255 220/255 0> } finish { ambient 0.4 specular 0.8 roughness 0.1 } } #declare col_darkbeige = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 245/255 245/255 220/255 0> } finish { ambient 0.2 specular 0.5 roughness 0.1 } } #declare col_gray = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0.5 0.5 0.5 0> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.9 roughness 0.1 } } #declare person=union { cylinder { <0,0,-4>,<0,0,-1>,1 } sphere { <0,0,-1>, 1 } sphere { <0,0,1.1>, 1 } //texture { col_green } } union { union { object { person translate <0, 0,1> texture { col_lightblue } } object { person translate <0,-3,0> texture { col_lightblue } } object { person translate <0, 3,0> texture { col_lightblue } } translate <-2,0,0> } #declare monitorframe = merge { box { <-1,-1,-2>,<2,1,2> } box { <-1,-2,-1>,<2,2,1> } cylinder { <-1, 1, 1>,<2, 1, 1>,1 } cylinder { <-1,-1,-1>,<2,-1,-1>,1 } cylinder { <-1, 1,-1>,<2, 1,-1>,1 } cylinder { <-1,-1, 1>,<2,-1, 1>,1 } scale <1,1,3/4> } /* The monitor */ union { difference { // only the frame, carve out the middle object { monitorframe texture { col_darkbeige } } object { monitorframe texture { col_darkbeige } scale <1.1,0.8,0.8> } } intersection { object { monitorframe scale <1,0.81,0.81> texture { col_gray } } sphere { <-4,0,0>,6 texture { col_gray } } } translate <0,0,-1.5> } /* The desktop computer */ difference { box { <-1,-2.5,-0.5>,<1.9,2.5,1> texture { col_beige } } union { box { <0,0.5,0>,<3,2,0.1> } // The little floppy slot box { <-2,-1.7,0.7>,<2,1.7,1.1> } // Carve off the top a bit so it doesn't show thru the monitor texture { col_beige } } translate <0,0,-3.5> } //translate <0,0,2> light_source {<10, 7, 7 > color rgb < 1 1 1 >} // rotate <0,10,0> } //light_source {<10,-10,-10> color rgb < 1 1 1 >} //light_source {<100, 0, 0> color rgb < 1 1 1 >}