POP3 Timeout Analysis

All these histograms are processed from the /var/log/syslog* files. Each syslog, syslog.0, syslog.1, ... syslog.7 contains one week of system log with "syslog" being the current week (as of Nov 20,2001).

Which Day

The starting day is Sept 23 and the last day is Nov 20 (60 days later).

Which Hours

The following contains syslog and syslog.0 only.

Note, hours are integer running from 0 to 23 inclusive.

The following contains syslog, syslog.0, ..., syslog.7

Which Minutes

The following contains syslog and syslog.0 only.

The following contains syslog, syslog.0, ..., syslog.7

Which ClientIP

Of all the time-outs, the top 10 locations are from: (Note: this is from syslog, syslog.0, ..., syslog.7)
    245 athf3467y31qg.bc.hsia.telus.net
    141 group1.vcn.bc.ca
    102 h24-68-62-188.vc.shawcable.net
     93 wibpssnat01.wirelessinbox.com
     68 group35.vcn.bc.ca
     28 group30.vcn.bc.ca
     26 group19.vcn.bc.ca
     26 coloc82-080.singnet.com.sg
This is the full list from 394 unique clients.

Which Users

Of all the time-outs, the top 10 users are: (Note: this is from syslog, syslog.0, ..., syslog.7)
    308 nags
    288 peghill
    172 a.112484
    161 sksw
    150 nectar
     85 (none)    <--user did not login yet
     53 peoples
     46 magimagi
     43 mbos
     30 richsong
This is the full list from 295 unique users.


Unfortunately there is no single spike that really stands out. We do see an increasing trend if we look at the "Which Day" graph. Other than that, there is not much conclusion we can draw from these.