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      • OpenBSD spamd + Soekris = greylist appliance

        My OpenBSD transparent bridge works perfect to protect my email server (MTA) from spam-bot attack. It runs on a lower end pc, so the question is, can I implement this solution as an anti-spam appliance which I can bring it anywhere, plug it in and it just work? After couple of days of googling

      • something about atime

        Here is a useful info I quote from slashdot:

        quote begin:
        Stopping and Starting a disk causes the most wear on the disk. When in an idle state the spinning disk has fully lubricated bearings and is using just a tiny amount of energy. Strap

      • OpenBSD + spamd
        Lately, there seems burst of spam bot attack, I see rising of spamhous blacklist queries from Postfix maillog, this does raise the network traffic and spamhous is blocking heavy queries even from small site.

        OpenBSD spamd is the right tool to combat spam bot

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