Search two files with similar content by Perl 

Sometimes I need to compare two similar files and get to know what entry is in file1, what entry is in file2, I have tried read each file and loop through the files line by line and compare the lines with regex, but it turned out to be very dumb idea and I never got it working. After reading more Perl doc and mailling list, apparently, the perl hash variable is the way to define uniqness of a record, here is the perl script I I got it working:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;

tie my @array1, 'Tie::File', "/tmp/u1.txt" or die "Could not tie: $!";

tie my @array2, 'Tie::File', "/tmp/u2.txt" or die "Could not tie: $!";

my %index;
foreach my $entry (@array1) {
if (not exists $index{$entry}) {
$index{$entry} = 1;

foreach my $entry (@array2) {
if (not exists $index{$entry}) {
$index{$entry} = 2;
else {
$index{$entry} += 2;

foreach my $entry (keys %index) {
if ($index{$entry} == 1) {
print "Entry $entry is only in file one\n";
elsif ($index{$entry} == 2) {
print "Entry $entry is only in file two\n";
elsif ($index{$entry} == 3) {
print "Entry $entry is in both files\n";
else {
print "Entry $entry is screwed up!\n";

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A Perl tip to replace strings, symbols.. 

perl -pi'.orig' -e 's/oldstring/newstring/g' fileA, fileB...the i argument is backup option, fileA, fileB will be backed up as fileA.orig, fileB.orig. Ever have format problem with '\r','^M', '\n' after transfering files between windows/mac/linux. try perl -pi'.orig' -e 's/\r(\n)?/\n/g' fileA, fileB...

If on unix/linux, try unix2dos command
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Wonder how to get two way packets from tcpdump? 

Such a simple question, silly me. run tcpdump on both end and specify the src host and dst port or src port.
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MySQL setup hassle 

While fiddling with mysql setup, the new mysql command client connect to the new mysql server fine, but not old mysql command client, so I have to make symbolic link to the new mysql command client like ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql /usr/bin/mysql, same as mysqladmin...

I thought the above symbolic link should solve all the setup problem, but it didn't. When I run the WebCalendar setup and test mysql conncetion from the web setup interface, error "could not connect /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock..." pops up, damn! why would the WebCalendar look for the old mysql server socket file instead of the new one /tmp/mysql.sock? is this PHP mysql client problem? To work around this issue, I reset the socket file to /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock in the mysql client and server section of /etc/my.cnf "socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" and restarted msyqld. this sovled the socket problem.
I was so happy to get rid of the complain and test the mysql connection again, but guess what, I came across another problem "Client does not support authentication protocol". I googled around the Internet, found the link. (pre-4.1) mysql clients does not support the new hash algorithm, well, I don't know how the WebCalendar PHP application call the old mysql client and don't want to update all mysql client libraries. I could reset the WebCalendar mysql user password to pre-4.1 style:

-> 'webcalendar'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');

I can identify these accounts with the following query:

mysql> SELECT Host, User, Password FROM mysql.user
-> WHERE LENGTH(Password) > 16;

when you

mysql> desc mysql.user;

you will see the pos-4.1 mysql use varchar(41) to define the "Password" colum.

After I reset the Password, all works fine
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Floppy on Fedora Core 3 

Today, I tried to dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync; sync , but I always got error message "dd: opening '/dev/fd0', read-only file system". then I fdformatted /dev/fd0 and did the dd command again, it works
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