Floppy on Fedora Core 3 

Today, I tried to dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync; sync , but I always got error message "dd: opening '/dev/fd0', read-only file system". then I fdformatted /dev/fd0 and did the dd command again, it works
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Apple ical does not support ssl over http 

While testing WebDav and iCal setup, it seems iCal does not know what https is. iCal works fine with http. From macosxhints someone mentioned that iCal does not support ssl, it sucks.
Mozilla sunbird support standard .ics files and runs on Mac/Windows/Linux, so you could share your calendar cross platform on Mac OS X and Windows, Linux.
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Back to work from vacation 

I went to Victoria and Nanaimo with my wife and couple of friends during Canada Day. we had a lot of fun there, watching live concert, fireworks, playing cards near beaches, watching sunset...
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WebCalendar tip 

Today, while reading the manual of WebCalendar, I found out that I can recover the the default admin user of WebCalendar database by excuting sql

INSERT INTO webcal_user ( cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname,
cal_firstname, cal_is_admin ) VALUES
( 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 'Administrator',
'Default', 'Y' );

the password would be admin too, then I can login in to set up another admin user and remove the default admin.
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