Use SpamAssassin module to fetch email attachment 

Here is a little script I wrote to fetch email attachment. If user got spam and forward it as attachment to me, I could use this script to rip the attachment and feeds it to sa-learn, the bayes learning engine of SA.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Mail::SpamAssassin::Message;

my $fh;
open $fh, "<", shift or die "Could not open message file:$!";
my @message = <$fh>;

my $msg = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message->new(
'message' => \@message,
) || die "Message error?";

#my $msg = Mail::SpamAssassin::Message->new() || die "Message error?";

#foreach my $p ($msg->find_parts(qr/^(text|image|application)\b/i, 1)) {
foreach my $p ($msg->find_parts(qr/^message\b/i, 0)) {
eval {
no warnings ;
my $type = $p->{'type'};
my $attachname = $p->{'name'};
print "Content type is: $type\n";
print "write file name: $attachname\n";
open my $out, ">", "$attachname" || die "Can't write file $attachname:$!";
binmode $out;
print $out $p->decode();
# warn $@ if $@;
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Re-queueing quarantined spam 

I happen to know that one amavisd user misfiltered 10000 emails as spam, and want to release them. How that could be achieved. Here is the relevant discussion link: ... 84&w=2

The following both solutions are that we get mail_id from the quarantined *.gz file itself, typical file like this : spam-*******.gz, the '*******' is the mail_id.

The config in amavisd.conf should be:

$policy_bank{'AM.PDP-SOCK'} = {
protocol => 'AM.PDP', # Amavis policy delegation protocol
auth_required_release => 0, # don't require secret_id for

$interface_policy{'SOCK'} = 'AM.PDP-SOCK';

Scenario 1:
If the mail log is in MySQL, and spam are quarantined as *.gz file, we just pipe the mail_id to amavisd-release

Use the on-liner perl:

perl -e 'opendir(my $dir, "/var/amavis/quarantine"); \
print "$_\n" for map { /spam-(.*?)\.gz/ } readdir($dir); ' |
amavisd-release -

Scenario 2:
If the mail log is not in MySQL and spam are quarantined in *.gz, amavisd-release needs the full quarantine file name, not just mail_id, so we use different one-liner perl

perl -e 'opendir(my $dir, "/var/amavis/quarantine");\
print "$_\n" for grep { /^spam/} readdir($dir); ' | amavisd-release -
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Amavisd-2.3.3 and SA's sa-update 

If system are running on Amavisd-new-2.3.3 and SA version older than 3.1.5. the rules updated by sa-update will not accessed by amavisd unless add one line code to Mail::SpamAssassin->new( LOCAL_STATE_DIR => '/var/lib',). The relevant discussion link: ... 05859.html

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P0f - Passive OS fingerprinting tool 

I normally use nmap to profile a remote system, but I found a lightweight sniffing tool p0f - passive os fingering tool which gather all kinds of profiling information about a remote system. Here is how I run it on my email server to profile all the remote system connecting to my smtp port

p0f -d -o /var/log/p0f.log -t -U -i en1 -l '(dst host my emailserver and tcp dst port 25)'

change the network interface en1 to eth0 if you are on Linux.

It will capture some interesting information like below:

<Mon Sep 25 14:00:07 2006> - Solaris 9.1 (up: 645 hrs) -> my emailserver:25 (distance 4, link: ethernet/modem)

<Mon Sep 25 14:00:26 2006> - Windows XP SP1+, 2000 SP3 -> my emailserver:25 (distance 21, link: ethernet/modem)

<Mon Sep 25 14:00:55 2006> - FreeBSD 4.6-4.9 (up: 3512 hrs) -> my emailserver:25 (distance 14, link: ethernet/modem)

The you can make this information available to SpamAssassin through Amavisd's p0f feature and add spam score based on spammer's OS and hop distance. Following statistics quote from Amavisd-new-2.4.2 RELEASE_NOTES:

Some statistics collected from our logs in February 2006:
p0f OS guess ham : spam
Windows-XP 0.7 % : 99.3 %
Windows-2000 5.8 % : 94.2 %
UNKNOWN 16.5 % : 83.5 %
Linux 58.8 % : 41.2 %
Unix 80.3 % : 19.7 %
(Unix+Linux 66.5 % : 33.5 %)
(ham: mail with score below 3, spam: score above 6)

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Run free webserver and email server at home  

I have beening running webserver at my home linux computer for two years . I am using DynDNS http://www/ free dynamic dns services to resolve my home dynamic IP.

I need to run a dynmaic dns update client to update the record once my IP changed. I am having problem using the popular ddclient, it just won't update for some reason. It is written in Perl, I am comfortable with Perl, but just could not figure out why. I ended up with another update client called which works for me. but one side effect is that does not have http ssl support which is recommended to encrypt the communication. so I modified the to support http ssl, here is the patch I added:

--- addns.orig 2006-09-24 13:52:08.699253528 -0700
+++ addns 2006-09-24 13:54:22.933846768 -0700
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Version 1.2

-use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Socket::SSL;
use Sys::Hostname;
use integer;
use English;
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@

chomp( $coded = encode_base64("$uname:$passwd") );

- $msg = "GET http://$server_host/nic/update?";
+ $msg = "GET https://$server_host/nic/update?";
$msg .= "system=$system_type";
$msg .= "&hostname=$updt_host";

@@ -311,25 +311,18 @@
$msg .= "\r\n";

#tcp code
- my ( $proto, $iaddr, $sin, @return );
- my $socket_type = 'tcp';
- $proto = getprotobyname($socket_type);
- socket( UpdaTe, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ) || die "socket: $!";
- $iaddr = gethostbyname($connect_host);
- $sin = sockaddr_in( $port, $iaddr );
- connect( UpdaTe, $sin ) || die "connect: $!";
- output( "$curr_host: performing update, ip=$ip", 1, 1 );
- if ( $debug > 1 ) {
- print "\n--Client Request--\n";
- print "$msg\n";
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
+ PeerAddr => $connect_host,
+ PeerPort => $port,
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ );
+ defined $sock or output("cannot connect to $connect_host:$port socket: $@");
+ my @return;
+ if ( defined $sock ) {
+ syswrite $sock, $msg;
- send( UpdaTe, $msg, 0 );
- @return = <UpdaTe>;
- close(UpdaTe);
+ @return = <$sock>;
+ $sock->close;

if ( $debug > 1 ) {
print "--Server Response--\n";

--- addns.conf.orig 2006-09-24 14:24:18.617861304 -0700
+++ addns.conf 2006-09-24 13:48:46.059059520 -0700
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@
iface = "eth0"
username = "user"
password = "password"
- server_port = 80
+ server_port = 443
server_host =
+ mx_host = my mx host

I also added my mx host so that I could relay my registed dyndns subdomain and have my email address as vincent at
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