Vim is my favourite editor, I often use vim to read open source C code, Later, I found cscope is quite good tool to jump back and forth between different C source files to better understand how those C sources connect together in a large open source C code project.
cscopes_maps.vim can be downloaded from, put this file under ~/.vim/plugin and run cscope -b -R -k under the folder of open source project, for example cd /usr/src/linux-2.28.x;cscope -b -R -k. then open a C source file, move cursor under a function name, press ctrl + ] will jump to the function declaration/definition of .c/.h file. use ctrl + t, ctrl + ^, etc to jump back and forth.
type :help cscope to get more help info about cscope at vim command mode, also vim folding can be helpful to get a broad picture of C source file, type :help folding to get more info about vim folding.
cscopes_maps.vim can be downloaded from, put this file under ~/.vim/plugin and run cscope -b -R -k under the folder of open source project, for example cd /usr/src/linux-2.28.x;cscope -b -R -k. then open a C source file, move cursor under a function name, press ctrl + ] will jump to the function declaration/definition of .c/.h file. use ctrl + t, ctrl + ^, etc to jump back and forth.
type :help cscope to get more help info about cscope at vim command mode, also vim folding can be helpful to get a broad picture of C source file, type :help folding to get more info about vim folding.