Chapter H1. How much BC reduction for your daughter via the RED Triangle? 

   RED Triangle: 1. Reproductive/Hormonal Factors         R
                 2. Exercise                           E
                 3. Diet (+supplements +clean water)         D

   Cancer researcher Nancy Krieger, PhD wrote, "early age [at first birth]
   consistently  has  emerged  as the strongest [breast cancer] protective
   factor [5-12]" (Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1989)

   1. Reproductive/hormonal Factors - BC risk reduction: 65%-80% if ALL
      factors optimum:
                                         Reduction in
                                         BC risk

      a. You breastfeed 'Leontyn'           26%  (compared to babies not
         (one year minimum)                       breastfed)
      b. Leontyn enters puberty             --
         at age 16-18; see Diet
         and Exercise sections
      c. Married Leontyn has first          45%  (compared to women who
         term birth before age 20                 never give birth)
         (first birth between 20-24
         reduces BC risk 20%-30%)
      d. Leontyn breastfeeds 4-7 years      40%  (compared to no breast-
         (for 2-3 babies)                         feeding)
      e. Full-term pregnancies every time   50%  (compared to women who
                                                  'terminate' first
      The 'ABC' risk 
      f. Second full-term birth before 30    9%  (compared to women with
         (3rd, 4th, etc. 9% each)                 no second birth)
      g. No ESTROGEN drugs (birth control   25%  (compared to women who
         pills and hormone replacement            take estrogen birth ctl.
         therapy)                                 pills and HRT)

      [Any medical researcher  will  tell  you  that  one  can  not simply
       ADD these various  percentage  reductions  to get a total reduction
       in risk.  So,  the  65%-80%  total  is  an  educated  'estimate' of
       a low risk woman versus a high risk woman]

    see Breastfeeding (Chapter R)
    see Reproductive/Hormonal Factors (Chapter R)

   2. Optimum Exercise - 72% (for moms), 26% (for 'non-moms')
      However, to  get  this  reduction,  'Leontyn' must start an average
      of at least  3.8  hours/week  of  vigorous  exercise  since  before
      puberty; (she must not  overdo  exercise, since  that  will  worsen 
      her  health). If young 'Leontyn'  exercises  at  the  level  of  an
      athlete, she  will  also delay  puberty  about  5  months for every
      one  year  of  vigorous  exercise  according  to  researchers  Rose
      Frisch  et  al.  This  delay  of  puberty  will reduce her BC risk.
      The  average  age  of  puberty  in  the  USA  in  1860  was between
      16 and 17 years.  For  optimum  breast  health  and  overall health
      Leontyn should be a vigorous exerciser for almost her entire  life.

EXERCISE References: see EXERCISE (Chapter R, all References)
   3. Optimum  Diet  ( + supplements + clean water ) -  40%  minimum (75%
      maximum)  reduction  in  BC  risk.  Why such a wide range (40%-75%)
      for an  optimum  diet?  How  many  long  term  medical  studies  in
      U.S. and Europe  have  there  been  where some of the subjects were
      on an optimum diet (plus dietary supplements) including?:

      a. vegetarian only foods      
      b. all food fresh, organic and not genetically engineered
      c. many cancer preventing foods
      d. most food eaten fresh and uncooked
      e. purified water for cooking and drinking
      f. higher fiber and complex carbohydrate foods mostly
      g. full range of vitamin/mineral supplements
      h. some study subjects were only consuming healthy oils (egs. flax
         oil, virgin olive oil, hemp oil) unheated

      The  number  of  such  studies (where some subjects have a totally
      optimum  diet )  equals  the  total number  of  flying  hippopotmi
      ( i.e. zero ).  How  can  one  be  confident  of  even  just a 40%
      reduction in BC risk?  Consider  one study of soy food consumption
      (favored by Japanese  women  with  about  80%  lower  BC risk than
      Americans or Canadians) (Dietary  effects on breast-cancer risk in
      Singapore,  The Lancet,  H.P.  Lee  et  al,  1991 ;337:1197-1200).
      Women  in  the  group  consuming  the highest  amount of soy foods
      had  a  57%  reduced  BC  risk  ( compared  to  women in the group
      consuming  the  least  soy ).  The  reduction  in  BC risk was 71%
      when  the  group  with  the  highest  ratio of soya food to  total
      protein  consumption was  compared  to  the group with the  lowest
      ratio  of  soy/total  protein.  How  about  high  fiber?   In  one
      study (Dietary Fiber,  Beta-Carotene  And  Breast  Cancer: Results
      From A Case-Control Study, International Journal of Cancer, Pieter
      Van't Veer et al, 1990,45;825-828) the 25% of the total group with
      the most fiber consumption had a  58%  BC  risk reduction relative
      to the 25% of  the  total  group with the least fiber consumption.
      Another study  reported  that  a  diet  with low saturated fat and 
      high vitamin C reduced  postmenopausal  BC  risk  by  24%.  A 1991
      report found that women reduced their breast cancer  risk  by  67%
      95% CI=0.15-0.73) "which was largely  attributable  to the combin-
      ation  of  low  intake of  fat  and  high intake of fermented milk
      products and fiber...." (International J Cancer, 1991; 47:649:653)

      Drugs in your Diet? -
      Everything that goes into your mouth is part of your diet, including
      drugs.  There is no  comprehensive study  that  estimates  how  many 
      breast cancer  cases  are  annually  caused by pharmaceutical drugs.
      Let's look at just one class of drugs, calcium-channel blockers.  In
      1997 the prestigious journal The Lancet reported the  results of one
      study: calcium-channel blockers increase  the  risk of breast cancer
      by 157% (95% CI=1.47-4.49).  Readers should  be  aware that when the
      great bulk of new drugs are FDA approved (HPB in Canada) for sale to
      the public, NO LONG TERM (i.e. at least 10 year)  studies  were done
      on the breast cancer (or any other cancer) risk of those drugs. Does
      this mean that the drug taking public is a herd of guinea pigs?  You
      be the judge.

  CALCIUM-CHANNEL BLOCKERS (chapter R, all References)
   4. Total BC risk reduction via an 'optimum' RED Triangle-
      80%-90% (relative to women who are 'couch potatoes', eat
               poor diets and have unfavorable reproductive/hormonal
      Again, this 80%-90% is an educated estimate and subject

      to the following provisos:
      a. 'Leontyn'  is  born  with  a  normal  healthy  'genetic  profile'
      b. from the date of birth onwards there are  no 'serious violations'
         of a  healthy  'RED Triangle'.  E.G.  Leontyn does not decide at
         age 45 that she will start exercising for the first time.
      c. factors other  than the  RED Triangle are no worse than average;
         e.g. if  Leontyn's  environment  is  very  badly  poisoned, this
         could overwhelm her 'RED badge of courage'.

Do not make any  changes  affecting  your health without first consulting
with a trusted medical professional.

copyright Brent Rooney ( [email protected] )