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      • Octal and Octet
        The octal numeral system is the base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0 to 7.

        Octal numerals can be made from binary numerals by grouping consecutive digits into groups of three (starting from the right). For example, the binary representation for decimal 74 is 1001010, which groups i

      • Upgraded Mail::SpamAssassin 3.1.4, Clamav 0.88.3. Installed gnugpg on Mac OS X server
        The email spam filter hasn't been running for a while on the email server. Today, I finally upgraded all the component, and tested working fine

      • Upgrade SpamAssassin 3.1.1 to SpamAssassin 3.1.4
        There is spamassassin rule lint info after upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4, if running spamassassin -Dinfo --lint on command line, you will see info line like :

        [24649] info: rules: meta test COMBO_IMAGEONLY1 has dependency 'MIME_HTML_ONLY_MULTI' with a zero score
        [24649] in

      • What is Mail::SpamAssassin::DnsResolver for?
        From the perldoc DESCRIPTION section of, it says :" This is a DNS resolution engine for SpamAssassin, implemented in order to reduce file descriptor usage by Net::DNS and avoid a response collision bug in that module.", what this description really refered to is bugs:

      • Perl Module installation from CPAN
        Today, when I am testing the latest SpamAssassin 3.1.4 release, I get a note "optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL". while I run the command "perl -MIO::Socket::SSL -e 'print $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION", it gives me version 0.96 and I do have this module. coincidently, I

      • ClamAV upgrade on Fedora
        Upgrade ClamAV is plain easy on Fedora, backup ClamAV config file and downloaded the latest ClamAV source. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local, make, make install will do the installation in /usr/local. make sure the old config file consistent with new config file. be careful with the clamav unix socket

      • Logrotate on Debian
        I have been running apache webserver on an lower end old PC (PII450/192RAM/10GHD) for two years now and it never gave me problem.
        But today I found out my apache log file never got rotated since I upgrade apache to apache2 with openssl and WebDav support. After couple of minutes of poking arou

      • PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_pconnect()
        Today, while I am trying to access the webcalendar from browser, nothing shows up, no error message. why would it suddenly stop functioning? my first instinct is to look for some clue from the log /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log, ha, I see a PHP Fatal error: "Call to undefined function: mysql_pco

      • Search two files with similar content by Perl
        Sometimes I need to compare two similar files and get to know what entry is in file1, what entry is in file2, I have tried read each file and loop through the files line by line and compare the lines with regex, but it turned out to be very dumb idea and I never got it working. After reading mo

      • A Perl tip to replace strings, symbols..
        perl -pi'.orig' -e 's/oldstring/newstring/g' fileA, fileB...the i argument is backup option, fileA, fileB will be backed up as fileA.orig, fileB.orig. Ever have format problem with '\r','^M', '\n' after transfering files between windows/mac/linux.

      • Wonder how to get two way packets from tcpdump?
        Such a simple question, silly me. run tcpdump on both end and specify the src host and dst port or src port.

      • MySQL setup hassle
        While fiddling with mysql setup, the new mysql command client connect to the new mysql server fine, but not old mysql command client, so I have to make symbolic link to the new mysql command client like ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql /usr/bin/mysql, same as mysqladmin...

        I thought the a

      • Floppy on Fedora Core 3
        Today, I tried to dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 conv=sync; sync , but I always got error message "dd: opening '/dev/fd0', read-only file system". then I fdformatted /dev/fd0 and did the dd command again, it works

      • Apple ical does not support ssl over http
        While testing WebDav and iCal setup, it seems iCal does not know what https is. iCal works fine with http. From macosxhints someone mentioned that iCal does not support ssl, it sucks.
        Mozilla sunbird support standard .ics files and runs on Mac/Windows/Linux, so you could share your calendar c

      • Back to work from vacation
        I went to Victoria and Nanaimo with my wife and couple of friends during Canada Day. we had a lot of fun there, watching live concert, fireworks, playing cards near beaches, watching sunset...

    • June