Conference 2003

Walking the Talk of Health Promotion

Dr. Hancock | Dr. Lauzon |
Murals | Acknowledgements | Conference Site |
BC Health Promotion Coalition logo


At the end of the conference, participants filled in evaluation forms which asked them to complete four sentences: i) The most important thing I learned is…, ii) This event inspired me to…, iii) I liked…, and iv) Changes for next time…

The most common answer to the first recognized the importance of interconnectedness, working together and sharing collective power; for example "sharing what has worked in various places is essential to get inspired - we don't all need to invent the wheel," "how much impact an organization like BCHPC has and how much more opportunity there is," "the power of small, rural efforts contrasting with Hancock's urban examples." Many described a heightened awareness that health promotion begins with individuals taking care of themselves: "to learn something new each day, to do something for my body, mind and spirit."

This event inspired me to... generated several references to taking more time for personal wellness and self-care. Becoming more involved in the community was another significant theme. Among the answers were: "put life into perspective," "trance dance and listening to the elders," "open up more to ideas of others," "be an example of healthy living," "slow down and be aware of our surroundings and environment," "pursue my desire to introduce anti-bullying policy into the workplace," "to work with our First Nations Elders about earth teachings; to help make our hospital more healthy re: the Plane Tree Project," "support youth advocacy and treatment for addiction," "pull together my community partners to discuss a city council, sanctioned food security council."

I liked... responses indicated strong favour of the general organization, and the morning lectures and afternoon activities. Many commented on Dr. Lauzon's personal style and described her as lively, humorous, thought provoking and willing to share herself. A large number complimented the physical space of the venue and the food. Comments regarding the organization of the event included "how everyone supported each other," and "the pace, relaxed and mindful…can't help but produce positive change." Other responses included "the hope," "the energy in the room."

Changes for next time... drew several comments surrounding sensory issues and physical comfort - e.g., acoustics, lighting, heating and the seating arrangements. Suggestions regarding lack of time included allotting less time for lectures and more for activities, using less time for the day's wrap-up, or having the conference over two days. Concerning the afternoon activities, presenters selling their courses created a problem for the follow-up for those on low income and it was suggested that better descriptions be made available and that no changes be made to scheduling after registration. There were many suggestions regarding door prizes and a recommendation that child care be arranged for future conferences.

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