BCHPC Funding Framework Synopsis


Seven Criteria or Components of the Funding Framework
  1. Values are the beliefs that guide our decisions and actions. In the diagram of the framework, they are central to all activities and relationships that are associated with funding community-inspired health promotion. Values are the foundation for the vision, mission and goals of the funding body and are the basis of decisions that are made around improved quality of life for individuals, families and communities.
  2. Structure and Governance of the funding body refers to the ways that staff and volunteers operate in relation to communities, donors, governments, service providers and the general public. The organization is autonomous and ensures equitable and respectful community participation at all levels of operation. Actions governing the funding body are characterized by flexibility, effective communications and commitment to collaborate with other funders.
  3. Source of Funds - Funds are accessed from diverse sources that provide for autonomy and support the empowering philosophy of health promotion.
  4. Distribution of Funds - Funds are distributed in a manner that is fair, equitable and responsive to the unique challenges, strengths and priorities of communities. The funding body acts as a resource to support community agencies and frontline personnel who provide the leadership and determine the priorities for distribution of funds. The framework shows that a close relationship is needed between the funding organization and communities in order to enhance sustainability and remove barriers to the success of health promotion initiatives.

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