British Columbia Play Therapy Association


  APRIL 4 -- Designing Therapeutic Metaphors for Children with Specific Issues (6 CEU)

APRIL 5 -- Using Art Techniques For Developing Understanding Of Children & Families in Play Therapy (6 CEU)

(PDF format)

Designing Therapeutic Metaphors for Children with Specific Issues (6 CEU)

With Terry Kottman, Ph.D., RPT-S, NCC, LMHC
April 4, 2008

Using Art Techniques For Developing Understanding Of Children & Families in Play Therapy
(6 CEU)

With Terry Kottman, Ph.D., RPT-S, NCC, LMHC
April 5, 2008

Dr. Kottman developed Adlerian Play Therapy and is the author of Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy & Play Therapy: Basics & Beyond. She regularly presents workshops on play therapy throughout North America. Dr. Kottman founded The Encouragement Zone, a centre where she provides play therapy training, counseling, and coaching. Dr. Kottman previously taught counseling as a professor at the University of Northern Iowa & the University of North Texas.

For more information about Dr. Kottman, please log onto

Day 1: April 4, 2008

9:30 am- 4:30 pm

It Was A Dark & Stormy Night... Designing Therapeutic Metaphors for Children with Specific Issues

In this experiential workshop, participants will explore how to custom-design therapeutic metaphors for children with specific problems, including anxiety, abuse, depression, behavior problems, social skills deficits, & adoption issues. At the end of the day, each participant will have created several different metaphors designed for his or her clients. No literary or artistic talent necessary!!!

Topics Include:
I. Why Use Metaphoric Techniques with Clients in Play Therapy?
II. Generic Model for Designing Therapeutic Metaphors for Clients
III. Specific Concerns with Selected Populations: Anxiety, Abuse, Adoption,
Social Skills Deficits, Depression & Behavior Problems
IV. Incorporating Specific Concerns in Therapeutic Metaphors

Day 2: April 5, 2008

9:30 am- 4:30 pm

Using Art Techniques for Developing Understanding Of Children & Families in Play Therapy

Participants in this workshop will explore assessment & intervention techniques based on the Kinetic Family Drawing, the Kinetic School Drawing, the Family Art Assessment, & other art techniques. The focus in this session will be on using drawings & art to gain a better understanding of children's perceptions of themselves at home, school & their relationships with other family members, peers, & teachers.

Topics Include:
I. Kinetic Family Drawing & Kinetic School Drawing
A. Questioning Strategies
B. Interpretation Considerations
C. Helping Children Gain Insight from Drawings
D. Consulting with Parents about Drawings
II. Family Art Assessment
A. Observation Strategies
B. Interpretation Considerations
C. Helping Family Members Gain Insight from Drawings
III. Phototherapy
IV. Drawing Techniques
A. Feelings Drawings
B. Masks
C. Time Lines
D. Wishes & Gifts
E. Body Outlines
F. The Bridge

Date: April 4 & 5, 2008

Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Location: Broadway Church

2700 East Broadway,

Vancouver, BC

9.00 AM registration with coffee & refreshments. Lunch is included.


Any 1 Day Workshop

Early Bird - Payment must be received by March 7, 2008

Members: $115.00

Non-members: $135.00

Students: $85.00

Regular Rate

Members: $130.00

Non-members: $150.00

Students: $100.00

2-Day Discount:

Early Bird - Payment must be received by March 7, 2008

Members: $210.00

Non-members: $250.00

Students: $150.00

Regular Rate

Members: $240.00

Non-members: $280.00

Students: $180.00



** Registration Information – Please read carefully: **

1. Please register by sending an email to Pablee Wong at [email protected] (preferred). You will receive an email confirmation within 5 working days after your email registration is received, and after we received your payment. If you don’t have access to email, please leave a voicemail at BCPTA (604) 682-8122. You will receive confirmation by phone (1 time only) after we received your payment if you register by voicemail.

2. Mail the Registration Form (click here to download) and your cheque immediately to BCPTA (payable to B.C.P.T.A.) #230 - 3495 Cambie Street, Vancouver. B.C. V5Z 4R3, in order to secure your place in the workshop.

3. If the workshop is full, your payment will be refunded in full if we have received your cheque or we can place you on a waiting list.

4. Your place in the workshop may be given away to other participants if we do not receive your payment prior to the workshop, even if you have registered via email or phone.

For questions, call Sarina Kot at 604-875-3644



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