Opportunities to participate:

Our committee meets the first Tuesday of the month, 6:30-8:30pm at the Champlain Heights Community Centre. Some of the opportunities for participation include:

Join the Committee - We need your input, your energy and your excellent ideas. Areas to get involved in are:

Volunteer Coordination and Recruitment - Connect willing people with jobs that need doing. Coordinate with community groups so that everybody has a chance to be a part of the park.

Fund Raising and Finance - Help us raise money for projects through fund raising, corporate donations and grant-writing proposals.

Event Planning and Project Management - Apply your skills as a master planner (or gain some) as you help us put on educational, musical, cultural and community-building events of all kinds.

Outreach and Awareness - Do you enjoy coming up with marketing ideas and messages that influence people? Are you a people-person that likes to connect with others face to face at events? Maybe this is the Place for you...

Nature Education/Appreciation - The committee has a vision for the future of Everett Crowley Park as an important site within Greater Vancouver for nature education and appreciation. The topics are many and diverse and include: ecology and biodiversity; waste composting and sustainability; birding, nature's pharmacy and the edible forest.


The Everett Crowley Park Committee (ECPC), a sub-committee of the Champlain Heights Community Association, is made up of park users and local residents who are working to see this green space protected and enhanced for the long term. Within this group are neighbours and 'nature-nuts', dog walkers, ecologists, birders and family types. Maybe there is a place for you, too.

The committee works on a consensus model of decision making, which utilizes discussion as a tool to avoid the typical adversarial traps that multi-interest group decision-making can fall into.

The ECPC develops and implements advocacy, education and improvement projects, liaises with the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation on both policy and management issues, and gets its hands dirty working in the park whenever possible.

In 1997, the Board passed by unanimous motion: "That this Park Board re-commit itself to the maintenance and preservation of the naturalness of Everett Crowley Park and any steps to enhance its naturalness."

For an award-winning 300-year history of the park site, please read our committee’s “Paradise Reclaimed” history booklet, co-produced with the Vancouver Natural History Society.