Khen Rinpoche was enthroned on 16 March 2000 as the abbot of the Ngor Monastery of the Sakya Order, and head of hundreds
of other branch monasteries. He is one of the most important young lineage holders
of the Sakya Order.
Khen Rinpoche has spent the past three decades in intensive study and meditation. Since the age of five, he has excelled in a rigorous course of training. In addition to mastering years of esoteric teachings at the famous Ngor School of Ritual Studies and advanced philosophical training at the Sakya College, Khen Rinpoche has received many Sakya oral instructions passed from great lineage holders to their successors. Following this, he spent years in meditation retreat on the practices of all of the major tantric deities.
Requested by His Holiness Sakya Trizin and His Eminence Luding Khen Rinpoche (senior), Khen Rinpoche is now giving teachings to the public.
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