Vancouver Regional Historica Fair
2007 Vancouver Regional Heritage Fair
The 2007 Vancouver Regional Historica Fair was an outstanding success with 80 student projects on display at the two museums. This was the fourth year for the Regional Fair and the quality of the projects seems to get better each year. Photos of students at their projects can be found at the following link. Photos of Students at Projects
This year we had participants from the following elementary schools in the Vancouver School District.sThe co-ordinators this year are Janet Morley and Jane Lougheed.
Sidney Madden of the Vancouver Historical Society was responsible for pulling together our team of distinguished adjudicators.
Shannon Steele, coordinator of the 2005 fair led the students in a rousing version of O'Canada.
Bonny, gave a presentation to the students about her experience at the 2006 National Fair in Halifax NS.
Jenny Qwan, provided an inspiring talk to the students as part of the Friday opening ceremonies.
Chuck Davis of the Vancouver Historical Society provided a closing keynote speach thanking the students for their hard work and enthusiasm.
Kenzo, from Henry Hudson Elementary was present at the closing ceremonies and gave a brief speach about his experience at the National Fair Last year.
A number of students were recognized for their outstanding projects in a number of award categories. They can be found at the following link. Award Recipients