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Issues Action Group Programme

An Issues Action Group is a discussion and letter writing group. Anyone, anywhere can establish one. The IAG programme is aimed at organizing for world federation on a grassroots basis.


- To increase the effectiveness of our organization in communicating its policies and goals, and to increase its impact on the decision-makers in our society.

- To help us become better informed on issues of relevance to World Federalism, and therefore more effective as agents of change.


1.To enjoy ourselves in the company of other "world citizens" and to appreciate each other.

2. To help communicate the ideas of world federalism to politicians and get our message into the press.

3. To attract new members and supporters to the world federalist cause. Issue Action Groups give you an excuse to call people out of the blue with an invitation to something that might interest them.

WFM-C national office can assist anyone who wishes to start an IAG. For an example of how one IAG works, read the Report from the Montreal IAG.

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