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WFM-C Youth Network - Organize an Event

Organize an Event

So you want to organize an event? Great! It may seem like a large task but organizing is easy, effective and is often very rewarding. You just need to answer a few opening questions. What will be the topic? What will be the format? When will it be held? Where will it be held? How much money will be invested? Where will we advertise? What will be its impact?

What will the topic be?

As a WFM-C member, you can work on all kinds of topics. Just ask yourself what you feel passionate about and organize an event in tune with your passion. Will it be about how we can promote peace? Mechanisms to implement human rights standards? The International Criminal Court? Its up to you!

What will be the format?

Once you’ve decided the topic of the event, its time to decide what kind of event it will be. There are many formats for events. A few include coffee shop presentations, lecture-style presentations, singular topic conferences, workshop-style conferences, impact-oriented action plan conferences and other kind of format you can think of.

When will it be held?

Timing is important. If you at high school, you probably want to put on a weekday event. If you are at university, you probably want to put on an event when students aren’t writing essays and exams. The best time for all students is the opening two months of the academic year. If this cannot be arranged, no problem. Organize an event when it suits your group. Some university events attract over 150 people when they are held during essay season. Either way, make sure you set a clear date and time for your event.

Where will it be held?

Make sure your location fits your expected attendance. Ensure that the room(s) are in a known area, clearly displayed and wheelchair accessible. Universities and high schools will usually allow their students to rent rooms for free. Take advantage of this offer!

How much money will be invested?

The next step in event organizing is to figure out how much money you have to invest into the event. If you don’t have as much you would like then you can fund-raise. Even if you get a free room, electrical equipment may cost money, advertising will cost money and honorariums will cost money. Don’t be turned off. Reasonably large events can be organized quite inexpensively. Remember, plan out your costs in advance.

Where will we advertise?

Advertising is a major part of putting on a successful event. Decide how many people you want to attend and advertise accordingly. Create good-looking posters and leaflets, print them up and plan advertising locations. If you are at university, you probably want to advertise with your student union, at the main students lounge, with like-minded groups, with academic departments and with classes. E-mail professors and ask to give a 30 second presentation prior to their class. If you are in high school, advertise in the main lounge, give an announcement and talk to classes. Advertising is fun and gets the message out! It is a major step toward raising awareness about the issues you feel passionate about.

What will be its impact?

You may be organizing an event that will allow people to come up with real political and social solutions to problems. If so, why not write an article summarizing the event and send it to your local newspapers. Send it to the WFM-C national office and we’ll try to publish it on our website. A complementary option would be to write a summary of the event and sent it to your local city counsellor, member of provincial parliament and member of federal parliament. They may be interested in hearing from you.

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