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WFM-C Youth Network - Fundraising


Groups will differ on how much they might need to get through the year. Minor costs might include printing, posting and offering some food and drinks to members. Larger amounts are needed if your group decides to put on major events, which might require money for room rental, equipment rental, advertising, honorariums etc. The best bet for your group: plan your year; decide what you want to accomplish and raise funds accordingly.

University student unions will often give registered groups money (sometimes up to $1000) to carry out their activities. If you are such a group, check with the student union. If they can give you a good contribution then your required fund-raising activities may be over within the first week of school. Alternatively, you could always raise more money and ensure your campaigns are the best in town. Other ways to raise money include table games, raffles and attendance fees. Remember to keep it fun!

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