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*updated August 2008
Barron, Christie L.,
Giving Youth a Voice: a basis for rethinking adolescent violence,
Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 2000
Burch, Brian E. and Richard V. Ericson,
The Silent System: an inquiry into prisoners who suicide,
Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1979
Caron, Roger,
Go-Boy! Don Mills, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1979
Bingo! Four days in hell Agincourt, Methuen Publications, 1985
Cormier, Bruno M.,
The Watcher and the Watched.
Montreal: Tundra Books, 1975
*Coyle, Andrew and Allison Campbell & Rodney Neufeld,
Capitalist Punishment: Prison Privatization and Human Rights
Zed Books, 2003
Culhane, Claire,
Barred from Prison: A Personal Account.
Vancouver: Pulp Press, 1979
Still Barred from Prison: Social Injustice in Canada.
Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1984
No longer Barred from Prison: Social Injustice in Canada.
Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1991
Dube, Richard,
The Haven: A True Story of Life in the Hole.
Harper Collins Publishers Ltd., 2002
Dugid, Stephen,
Can prisons Work? The prisoner as object and subject in modern corrections,
University of Toronto Press, 2000
Ekstedt, John W. and Curt T. Griffiths,
Corrections in Canada: Policy and Practice.
Vancouver, Butterworths Canada Ltd., 1988
Gosslelin, Luc,
Prisons in Canada.
Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1982
* Henry, Frances and Carol Tator,
Racial Profiling In Canada: Challenging the Myth of a Few Bad Apples.
University of Toronto Press, 2006
Harris, Michael,
Justice Denied: The Law versus Donald Marshall.
Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, 1986
Hustak, Alan,
They Were Hanged.
Toronto, James Lorimer & Company,Publishers, 1987
Jackson, Michael,
Prisoners of Isolation: Solitary Confinement in Canada.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983
Locking up Natives in Canada.
Canadian Bar Association, 1988
Justice behind the Walls: human Rights in Canadian Prisons.
Vancouver, Douglas and McIntyre, 2002 online at
Karp, Carl and Cecil Rosner,
When Justice Fails: The David Milgaard Story.
Toronto, McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1991
LeBourdais, Isabel,
The Trial of Steven Truscott.
Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 1966
Lowe, Mick,
Conspiracy of Brothers: A True Story of Murder, Bikers and the Law.
Toronto, Macmillan Canada. 1988
One Woman Army: The Life of Claire Culhane.
Toronto, Macmillan Canada, 1992
Makin, Mark,
Redrum: the innocent.
Toronto Penguin Books, 1998
McNeil, Gerard with Sharon Vance,
Cruel and Unusual: the shocking reality of life behind bars in Canada.
Deneau and Greenberg 1978
Miford, Jessica,
Kind and Usual Punishment: The Prison Business.
Toronto: Random House of Canada, 1979
Morris, Ruth,
Creative Alternatives to Prison.
Toronto justice Council
Murphy, P.J. and Loyd Johnsen,
Life 25, interviews with prisoners serving life sentences.
Vancouver, New Star Books, 1997
Edited by: Murphy P.J. and Jennifer Murphy,
Sentences and Paroles: a prison reader.
Vancouver, New Star Books, 1998
Murphy, P.J., Loyd Johnsen, Jennifer Murphy,
Paroled for Life: Interviews with Parolees Serving Life Sentences.
New Star Books, 2002
Neil, Al,
The Slammer: the Crisis in Canada's Prisons.
Vancouver, Pulp Press Books, 1996
Richmond, Dr. Guy,
Prison Doctor: One man's story that must be told in Canada today.
Surrey, Nunaga Publishing Company Ltd., 1975
Reid, Stephen,
Jackrabbit Parole.
Toronto, McClelland-Bantam Inc.,1986
*Stern, Vivien
Creating Criminals: Prisons and People in a Market Society
Ferwood Publishing, 2006
Trent, Bill,
The Steven Truscott Story: as told to Bill Trent.
Montreal, The Montreal Standard Publishing Company, 1971
Tyman, James,
Inside out, Saskatoon,
Fifth House Publishers, 1995
Waldram, James B.,
The Way of the Pipe: Aboriginal Spirituality and Symbolic Healing in Canadian Prisons.
Broadview Press, 1997
*Weinstein, Lee ,
Prison Voices.
Fernwood Publishing, 2007
“Law Reform Commission: Aboriginal Peoples and Criminal Justice.” 1991
“Racism Behind Bars: The treatment of black and other racial minority
prisoners in Ontario prisons. Interim Report of the Commission on Systemic
Racism in the Ontario Criminal Justice System “, Toronto, Publications
Ontario, 1994
“Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Bridging the Cultural Divide.”
“Instead of Prisons: a Handbook for Abolitionists.”
Syracuse, New York, Prison Research Education Action Project, 1976
Adelberg, Ellen and Claudia Currie eds.,
Too Few To Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law.
Vancouver, Press Gang Publishers, 1987
Blackbridge, Persimmon and Sheila Gilhooly,
Still Sane.
Vancouver, Press Gang Publishers, 1985
Boritch, Helen,
Fallen Women: Female Crime and Criminal Justice in Canada.
International Thomson Publishing, Nelson, 1997
Comack, Elizabeth,
With Gillian Balfour
*Criminalizing Women: Gender and (In)justice in Neoliberal Times
Fernwood Publishing, 2006
With Gillian Balfour
*The Power to Criminalize Violence, Inequality and Law
Fernwood Publishing, 2006
Women In Trouble.
Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 1996
Cook, Sandy, Susanne Davies, eds.,
Harsh Punishment: International Experiences of Women's Imprisonment.
Boston, Northeastern University Press, 1999
Dekeseredy, Walter S.,
Women, Crime and the Canadian Justice System.
Cincinnati, Anderson Publishing Co., 2000
Faith, Karlene,
*13 Women: Parables from Prison
Douglas and McIntyre, 2006.
Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance.
Vancouver, Press Gang Publishers,1993
The Long Prison Journey of Leslie Van Houten: Life Beyond the Cult.
Northeastern University Press Boston, 2001
ed. Soledad Prison University of the Poor.
Science and Behaviour Books Inc., 1975
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly & Margaret Shaw eds,
in disguise: Penal governance and federal imprisonment of women in Canada
University of Toronto, 2001
An Ideal Prison?: Critical Essays on Women's Imprisonment in Canada.
Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 2000
Hansen, Ann,
Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla.
Toronto, Between the Lines, 2001
Jones, Frank,
Murderous Women: True Tales of Women Who Kill.
Toronto, Key Porter Books Limited 1991
Kershaw, Anne and Mary Lasovich,
Rock-A-Bye-Baby: A Death Behind Bars.
Toronto, McClelland & Stewart Inc.,1991
Krawczyk, Betty,
*Open Living Confidential (from inside the joint).
Vancouver, 2008
Lock Me Up or Let Me Go: The Protests, Arrest and Trial of an Environmental
Vancouver, Press Gang, 2002
MacDonald ,Maggie and Allan Gould,
The Violent Years of Maggie MacDonald.
McClelland-Bantam Inc., 1988
Priest, Lisa,
Women Who Killed: Stories of Canadian Female Murders.
Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, Inc.,1992
Regier, Edith, ed.
Passing Pictures with Prisoners.
Winnipeg, Mentoring Artists For women's Art, 2001
Rosenbluth, Vera,
Women in Prison, in Women in Canada.
Edited by Marylee Stephenson, Don Mills, General Publishing, 1973
Sangster, Joan,
Girl Trouble: Female Delinquency in English Canada.
Between the Lines, 2001
Smith, Dorothy and Sara David eds.,
Women look at Psychiatry.
Vancouver, Press Gang Publishers, 1975
Walford, Bonny,
Lifers: The Stories of Eleven Women Serving Life Sentences for Murder.
Montreal, Eden Press, 1987
Weibe, Rudy and Yvonne Johnson,
Stolen Life: the journey of a Cree woman,
Vintage Canada, 1999
"Walls", a play by Christian Bruyere,
Vancouver, Talonbooks, 1978
“Journal of Prisoners on Prisons.” Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1994,
“Studies on the Left ;formerly Issues in Radical Therapy: The Prison
Issue.” Boulder, Saxifrage Publications Group, Vol. XIV, Nos. 1& 2
"Creating Choices: Report of the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women."
Ottawa, Solicitor General,1990
“The Commission of Inquiry into Certain Events at the Prison for Women
in Kingston. “
Ottawa, Canada Communication Group---Publishing, 1996
"Protecting Their Rights: A Systemic Review of Human Rights in
Correctional Services for Federally Sentenced Women."
Published by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Ottawa, Ontario, 2003
“Women for Justice Brief to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.”
Ottawa, Women for Justice, 1980
All of these publications are available through subscription. For more
information on subscriptions rates, please contact individual publishers
at addresses listed
(* = confirmed that they are still publishing as of August 2008. The status
of the rest is not known)
Arrows to Freedom Newsletter: The Official Publication of the Drumheller
Native Brotherhood of Indian and Metis.
Drumheller Institution, P.O.
Box 3000, Drumheller,
Alberta T0J 0Y0 Canada
The Southern Alberta Lifer's Group Log.
Drumheller Institution, P.O. Box 3000, Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y0 Canada
*Out of Bounds Magazine.
William Head Institution, 6000 William Head Road, Victoria, British
Columbia V9C 0B5 Canada
Mission Messenger.
Mission Medium Security Institution, P.O. Box 60, Mission , British Columbia
V2V 4L8 Canada
The Stony Mountain Innovator.
Stony Mountain Institution, P.O. Box 9250, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3W9
The Native Brotherhood Organization: Reflections & Voices Newsletter.
Stony Mountain Institution, P.O. Box 9250, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3W9
Outlook Magazine (no longer publishing),
Warkworth Institution,
P.O. Box 760, Campbellford, Ontario K0L 1L0 Canada
Inside The Bay.
Collins Bay Institution, P.O. Box 190, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4V9 Canada
The Communicator.
Springhill Institution, P.O. Box 2140, Springhill, Nova Scotia B0M 1X0
*Journal of Prisoners on Prisons
c/o University of Ottawa Press
542 King Edward Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5 Canada
Phone: (613) 562-5800, ext.1562 Fax:(613) 562-5247
jpp (at)
(* = confirmed that they are still publishing as of August 2008. The status
of the rest is not known)
Mennonite Central Committee Canada,
P.O. Box 2038, Clearbrook, British Columbia V2T 3T8 Canada
*Cell Count.
Prisoners with HIV/Aids Support Action Network,
489 College St, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M6G 1A5 Canada
Phone: 416-920-9567 Fax: 416-920-4314
Toll Free: 1-866-224-9978
email: info (at) web:
Incarcerated Ink (not currently publishing)
John Howard Society of the Fraser Valley,
1790 McKenzie Road, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 7B7
Joint Venture
Infinity Lifers Liaison Group,
Dept. Of Criminology
The University of Ottawa
25 University St
Ottawa, Ontario. KIN 6N5
infinitylifersliaison (at)
West Coast Prison Justice Society Newsletter
204 - 32450 Simon Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2T 4J2
Phone: 604-853-3114 Fax: 604-853-1038
*The Word Is Out: A Women's Community News Service
PO Box 78005, 1755 East Broadway.
Vancouver, BC V5N 5W1
Phone: 604-682-3269 x3019
"Designed to inform women about what is happening on the inside and in the community."
Distributed free to prisoner committees and libraries in women's prisons across Canada.
Available by subscription on the outside. ($10/yr)
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