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Find out about recreational facilities and programs in your area!

The Municipal Government in each city runs its own recreation facilities and programs - these facilities and programs are detailed in each web site below. 

City of Vancouver Parks and Recreation
This site provides a list of community centres within the City of Vancouver as well as their address, phone numbers and web page (if available). The site also provides information about other facilities such as ice rinks, fitness centres, golf courses, playing fields and parks. Specific recreation programs are not listed on this web site - and are available on the individual web sites of various community centres.

Strathcona Community Centre
The Strathcona Community Centre is located just across the road from  the Chinese Library and has played an integral role in the Strathcona community. This site provides a comprehensive list of the wide variety of programs and courses held at Strathcona Community Centre.

City of Burnaby Parks and Recreation
This site provides a full list and description of facilities available in Burnaby - hours of operation, addresses, phone numbers and programs offered at each location. Registration information and costs for the programs are also available on this web site. There is also information on upcoming events. Check it out!

North Vancouver Recreation Commission
The North Vancouver Recreation Commission serves the residents in both the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver. This site contains a full list of recreation facilities present in North Vancouver - and includes their address and contact numbers. The "Leisure Activities Guide" provides information on all the programs available along with their dates, times, cost and location. There is also a online registration form provides for registration in these programs.

Surrey Parks Recreation and Culture
Addresses and description of leisure facilities and services such as parks, culture centre, community recreation office, aquatic centres, senior centres and youth centres.

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